LGYankees feat. SO-TA - fam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский LGYankees feat. SO-TA - fam

1(SO-TA) 溢れだした一粒の想いを包み込む 小さな光と風 の香り 今も忘れない いつまでもかけがえのない 暖かな場所を...
1(SO-TA) A cascade of thoughts enveloped in a tiny light and the scent of the wind. I will never forget the warmth of that irreplaceable place...
(RYO) 時は流れ出会い別れ涙溢れて そう思い返す毎日 は切りがなくてさ 早いようで遅く遅いようで早く あの時に見えた 景色今も何も変わらない あの頃は大きく今となっちゃ小さく 何も言わず 見送った父の背中感じた 母がくれた小さな俺にとって大きな 泣きながら かけてくれた言葉に誓った やがて気づく今の俺に何ができるか 出した答え 紙に書いて何度破いた 帰りたいって言いたくってだけど言えなかった 仲間 家族 先生 故郷思い出す この季節何度と見るのは最後と 思いながら生活 の毎日の日々を 大事に過ごすよ一度きりのChanceを 頑張って 乗り切って見せてやるよ故郷
(RYO) Time flows on, bringing encounters and farewells, tears streaming down our faces. Those memories flood my mind every day. The days seem to pass so quickly and so slowly, yet the view I saw back then remains unchanged. What seemed so vast then now feels so small. Without a word, I saw my father's back as he left. My mother's words, spoken through tears, gave me strength. As I grew older, I realized what I needed to do. I wrote down my answer on paper, only to tear it up time and again. I longed to say I wanted to go home, but I couldn't. My friends, family, teachers, and my hometown—I think of them all during this season. How many times have I thought it would be the last time I saw them? I cherish each day, knowing that this chance will only come once. I will push through and show my hometown what I can do.
1(SO-TA) 溢れだした一粒の想いを包み込む 小さな光と風 の香り 今も忘れない いつまでもかけがえのない 暖かな場所を...
1(SO-TA) A cascade of thoughts enveloped in a tiny light and the scent of the wind. I will never forget the warmth of that irreplaceable place...
(HIRO) 覚えてるかい? 初めて手を繋いだあの日を そうこの胸にいつの日も 本当Hardな毎日も やりきれるのは君のとびっきりの笑顔 もっとた くさん笑っていてよBaby 周りが笑顔でいれるように 今はまだ背中押して てBaby 後に下がってしまわぬように 今日は日が暮れる 前に 君のもとへ会いに 心躍るワイニーワイニーHey! 少しの時間を目一杯 楽しもうそして明日も精一 頑張れんだ幸せに満ちた 未来へと綴るこのWor d 意味なんかなくてもDon't Stop! ほんといつもあ りがとう 今日も日が沈む前に願う 君の明日を
(HIRO) Do you remember? The day we first held hands? I carry that memory in my heart every day. Even on the hardest days, your radiant smile gives me the strength to keep going. Keep smiling, my love. Let your happiness spread to those around you. For now, I will be by your side, but soon I will step back so that you can shine on your own. Before the sun sets today, I will come to see you, my heart pounding with anticipation. Let's make the most of our time together. Tomorrow, we will both strive to be happy. This is my message to you, a tapestry of words woven with hope for a brighter future. Don't stop, even if it doesn't make sense! Thank you, my love. As the sun sets today, I make a wish for your happiness tomorrow.
1(SO-TA) 溢れだした一粒の想いを包み込む 小さな光と風 の香り 今も忘れない いつまでもかけがえのない 暖かな場所を...
1(SO-TA) A cascade of thoughts enveloped in a tiny light and the scent of the wind. I will never forget the warmth of that irreplaceable place...
(SO-TA) 最後まで言えずに時が過ぎ忘れてた気持ち もし も伝わるなら素直な気持ちを綴って 見失えばどんな時も導いてくれる道標 変わらず 僕を照らす
(SO-TA) Time passed, and I couldn't bring myself to say it. My feelings faded into the past. If only I could convey my honest emotions. If I lose my way, my guiding star will always lead me back to you, illuminating my path.
1(SO-TA) 溢れだした一粒の想いを包み込む 小さな光と風 の香り 今も忘れない いつまでもかけがえのない 暖かな場所を...
1(SO-TA) A cascade of thoughts enveloped in a tiny light and the scent of the wind. I will never forget the warmth of that irreplaceable place...
2 真っ白なこの胸に描いた未来図は 鮮やかな夢で 彩られて 今も忘れない いつまでもかけがえのない暖かな 場所を...
2 The blueprint for my future, etched on my heart, is a vibrant dream. I will never forget the warmth of that irreplaceable place...
サヨナラは言えないよ またここへ必ず帰るよ 「アリガトウ」この歌を届けよう 笑顔のまま 愛する場所へ
I can't say goodbye. I will return here, without fail. "Thank you." Let me deliver this song to you, with a smile on my face, as I return to the place I love.

Авторы: Lgyankees, No Doubt Tracks, lgyankees, no doubt tracks

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