(RYO) I appreciate it a lot, but I won't say it. We don't need to understand each other now. We understood each other before, when we were both ignorant and fearless. When we got into fights and spent our days in trouble, it was really fun. We spent our days like that because of you. I look up at the sky today and think about the sunset that day. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I could see it again. I think about how things are different today, but I still have the most fun with you. I think of the path you've taken as my treasure, and you've made it this far. I will continue to live for you in the future, so please watch over me from now on. I want you to see the difference between me and me now.
(HIRO) I'm too embarrassed to express my true feelings. It's good to see you, but your face is so stupid that I can't say it. I don't want to say it. Even if we can't go back to those days, if we have a sky that connects us, isn't that enough? For now, I'll shout until I lose my voice. Hey! Pump It Up! EveryBody!!
(山猿) P.S. I'm sorry, my teacher and my mom. I always get into trouble and cause you trouble. It's embarrassing to be gentle with me. I'm not used to apologizing yet. Yo! How do you look from the perspective of the world? Anyway, we're all bad boys acting tough. I don't need no excuses! I don't need sermons! We just learn things that aren't in textbooks. We fought in the back of a convenience store after school. I learned about anger and sadness there. Even if you hit your opponent, you will get hurt. I will be an adult even if I can't read or write. I learned more than numbers and Slang. I flunked out of junior high school. You can make me look like a good-for-nothing. Dream
(HIRO) I'm too embarrassed to express my true feelings. It's good to see you, but your face is so stupid that I can't say it. I don't want to say it. Even if we can't go back to those days, if we have a sky that connects us, isn't that enough? For now, I'll shout until I lose my voice. Hey! Pump It Up! EveryBody!!
(山猿) When did we meet? It must have been fate. Peace to my brother. I don't want to be apart from you. No matter what you say, you're an idiot. Sometimes we don't get along, we get upset, we fight, and after it's over, we're always silent. It takes me forever to talk to you, but you always wait.
(RYO) It's a story of the past now, but I'm glad we had that time. I remember it and I can do my best today. I don't want to lose. I grit my teeth and move forward. The paths we have chosen are different, but I know you're living your life the same way. I'm sure we have the same dreams. Thank you for everything, first and last.
(HIRO) I'm too embarrassed to express my true feelings. It's good to see you, but your face is so stupid that I can't say it. I don't want to say it. Even if we can't go back to those days, if we have a sky that connects us, isn't that enough? For now, I'll shout until I lose my voice. Hey! Pump It Up! EveryBody!!
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