LIL GRIPPIE - Cíl, Pt. 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни LIL GRIPPIE - Cíl, Pt. 2

Cíl, Pt. 2
Goal, Pt. 2
(Byla tu jedna noc, co prožil jsem tu s tebou
(There was one night that I spent here with you
Nechci žádnou kamarádku, nechci žádnou jinou
I don't want any friend, I don't want any other
A odjela jsi brzo na to, cos nechtěla minout
And you left early to which you didn't want to miss out
A nikdy neuvidím, hodiny na hodinách zas plynou)
And I will never see you again, hours after hours pass by)
Byla tu jedna noc, co prožil jsem tu s tebou
There was one night that I spent here with you
Nechci žádnou kamarádku, nechci žádnou jinou
I don't want any friend, I don't want any other
A odjela jsi brzo na to, cos nechtěla minout
And you left early to which you didn't want to miss out
A nikdy neuvidím, hodiny na hodinách zas plynou
And I will never see you again, hours after hours pass by
A se ztratil, ale došel jsem na cíl
And I got lost, but I reached the goal
Pomohl jsem lidem, ale furt nemám ten feel (že)
I helped people, but I still don't have that feel (that)
Bylo by mi líp,že bych došel na cíl
I would be better off if I reached the goal
Všechno co mi po zbylo,byl jenom ten stín
All that was left after her was just a shadow
Občas se cejtim trochu fajn
Sometimes I feel a little fine
Občas se cejtim líp
Sometimes I feel better
S tebou na to zapomínám, že tu nechci být
With you I forget that I don't want to be here
Teď mám pro co žít
Now I have something to live for
A jenom ti chci říct
And I just want to tell you
Tak díky za ty večery
So thank you for those evenings
Díky za ty hovory
Thank you for those calls
Díky za ty věci, které bysme sami neměli
Thank you for those things that we shouldn't have had on our own
A díky bohu za to, že si vyměnujem názory
And thank God for the fact that we exchange views
A poslouchám ji, ne kolem okolí
And I listen to her, not the people around me
(Chtěl jsem vidět, snažil jsem se ale nenechali a pak...
(I wanted to see you, I tried but they didn't let me and then...
Chtěl jsem Elisse říct o tom jak za mnou přišla její máma,
I wanted to tell Elissa about how her mother came to see me,
Ale pak řekla něco, kvůli čemu jsem na všechno zapomněl
But then she said something that made me forget about everything
Asi ti chci dát pusu)
I think I want to kiss you)
Byla tu jedna noc, co prožil jsem tu s tebou
There was one night that I spent here with you
Nechci žádnou kamarádku, nechci žádnou jinou
I don't want any friend, I don't want any other
A odjela jsi brzo na to, cos nechtěla minout
And you left early to which you didn't want to miss out
A nikdy neuvidím, hodiny na hodinách zas plynou
And I will never see you again, hours after hours pass by

Авторы: Sebastian Fila

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