Lirika Inverza - Sirena - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lirika Inverza - Sirena

Tras besar me dijo "Te amo"
"I love you," she said after our kiss
Si tu igual tan solo confia
If only you felt the same, trust in this
Confiado descuide la espalda y disparo mientras dormia
Trusting, I exposed my back, and you shot while I slept
Le dije "Te odio" y aunque en el fondo mentia
"I hate you," I said, though deep down it was a lie
Supe que algo dentro de mi pecho desde ese momento ya no servia
I knew something within my chest, from that moment, had died
Ciego, asegure que eras poesia pero eras solo un mal poema que
Blindly, I believed you were poetry, but you were just a bad poem that
Escribi antes de ver tu pelo de
I wrote before seeing your Medusa hair and
Medusa y escuchar tu voz de sirena nena
Hearing your siren voice, baby
Acepto que tu recuerdo me quema como
I admit, your memory burns me like
Un esclavo libre extrañando sus cadenas
A freed slave longing for his chains
Demasiada carga psicologica antes de volver contigo me miro muerto
Too much psychological baggage, before returning to you, I see myself dead
Yo grite "Te amo" hasta que el alma quedo
I screamed "I love you" until my soul was left
Afonica; hoy ya no grito, ni te escucho ni lo siento
Hoarse; today I don't scream, I don't hear you, nor do I feel it
Y lamento que sea asi
And I regret it's like this
Que se agotase el tiempo
That time ran out
Que te rindieras antes de dar el ultimo aliento
That you gave up before your last breath
Yo habria matado por verte siempre sonriendo
I would have killed to see you always smiling
Pero me mataste antes culpandome y mintiendo
But you killed me first, blaming and lying
"¿Sabes lo que mas me gusta de una mujer?"
"You know what I like most about a woman?"
"Surprise me"
"Sus defectos"
"Her flaws"
"¡Uy! Entonces te vas a enamorar locamente de mi"
"Oh! Then you're going to fall madly in love with me"
La conoci sin sonrisas ni ganas y aunque
I met her with no smiles or desire, and even though
Estaba igual de roto lo di todo por curarla
I was equally broken, I gave everything to heal her
Dijo: "Te amare por siempre en las buenas y en las
She said: "I will love you forever, in good times and bad"
Malas" Y despues salio volando cuando sanaron sus alas
And then she flew away when her wings healed
Me aburre el sexo sin amor, odio el amor con estrategia
Sex without love bores me, I hate strategic love
Me duele saber que toda relacion carece de transparencia
It hurts to know that every relationship lacks transparency
Necesito encontrar ya alguien que valga la pena
I need to find someone worthy already
O dejar de valerla yo para que todo se resuelva
Or stop being worthy myself so that everything is resolved
Y quiza la culpa es mia aunque el aceptarlo duela
And maybe it's my fault, although accepting it hurts
Quiza es que todo en esta vida es algo pasajero
Maybe it's that everything in this life is fleeting
Quiza mi problema no es el que todas me mintieran
Maybe my problem isn't that they all lied to me
Si no que creyera que el humano puede ser sincero
But that I believed humans could be sincere
Asi que vete, vete en verdad y no vuelvas y quema
So go, truly leave and don't come back, and burn
El jardin que plantaste en esta triste alma desierta
The garden you planted in this sad, deserted soul
Luego enfermame de Alzheimer y sepulta tu
Then make me sick with Alzheimer's and bury your
Recuerdo en una tumba lejana en la que no pueda ir a verlo
Memory in a distant grave where I can't visit
Yo he vuelto a lo mismo de antes mujeres de cuerpos
I've returned to the same as before, women with radiant bodies
Radiantes, para maquillar la necesidad de salir corriendo a buscarte
To mask the need to run and look for you
Esperando que te vaya bien
Hoping you're doing well
Pues he aprendido a perdonarte y el tiempo
For I've learned to forgive you, and time
Dara a cada quien lo que ha merecido ganarse
Will give everyone what they deserve to earn
"¿Qué es lo mejor de ella?"
"What's the best thing about her?"
" Que solo con mirarte te hace sentir como un dios",
"That just by looking at you, she makes you feel like a god,"
Lo peor es que ya no me mira, debe haberse hecho arnostica"
The worst part is, she no longer looks at me, she must have become agnostic"

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