LMF - YYYY - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский LMF - YYYY

Song: YYYY
你有幾硬 幾硬 幾硬 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How strong are you? How strong? How strong? How strong? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾假 幾假 幾假 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How fake are you? How fake? How fake? How fake? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾大 幾大 幾大 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How big are you? How big? How big? How big? (Do you think I) fear you!
唔係怕你有乜 我地唔係好恰
I don't fear what you have I'm not a pushover
衝突 就會有好多種
Conflict there will be many kinds
夠膽同你撐 因為我地有種
I dare to support you because I have guts
You may have something but it's not the real thing
Even if I'm outnumbered I'm not afraid of what you'll do
小事化大 呢度就唔到你話大
Making a big deal out of nothing this is not up to you
無事生非 以為d人唔理一味作大
Kicking up a fuss thinking people won't care and just making it worse
At most we'll hold each other and die together
你咪自己呃自己 衰左一味靠賴
Don't you be self-righteous blaming others when you fail
鍾意懶型 種意扮勁
You like to act cool and pretend to be tough
You know a little and pretend to be a representative this is your typical style
衰就要認 打要企定
If you've done something wrong you have to admit it and stand up for it
A big lazy hall is most pathetic until it's time to act tough
Hey don't let them get away
This type of person is nothing but a lapdog
When you do something wrong you only know how to find excuses
我要打救你條友 塞住你地把口
I want to save you and shut you up
你有幾硬 幾硬 幾硬 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How strong are you? How strong? How strong? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾假 幾假 幾假 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How fake are you? How fake? How fake? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾大 幾大 幾大 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How big are you? How big? How big? (Do you think I) fear you!
唔係怕你有乜 我地唔係好恰
I don't fear what you have I'm not a pushover
你有幾硬 幾硬 幾硬 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How strong are you? How strong? How strong? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾假 幾假 幾假 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How fake are you? How fake? How fake? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾大 幾大 幾大 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How big are you? How big? How big? (Do you think I) fear you!
唔係怕你有乜 我地唔係好恰
I don't fear what you have I'm not a pushover
超! 喱度d人睇o野不嬲都唔清唔楚
Wow! The people here have always been unclear about things
做多錯多唔做唔錯 鍾意就將錯就錯
Doing more means more mistakes while doing nothing means no mistakes You like to let mistakes slide
We may not be very well-educated
Don't think I'm an idiot
大懶堂 夠薑係度大大聲講
A big lazy hall has the guts to say it loudly
大人卑鄙 細路跟住會無知
If adults are despicable the children who follow will be ignorant
社會風氣 無腦o既人俾佢迷住
The social atmosphere is filled with brainless people who are fascinated by it
As long as you believe there is a reason
撐住射住 六百萬人 人群裡面頂得住
Hold on tight shoot six million people among the crowd can stand firm
你無知 仲要我跟你扮白癡
You're ignorant and you still want me to follow you and act like an idiot
我唔知 我做緊我想做o既事
I don't know I'm just doing what I want to do
My only wish is a tiny one
Go back to those simple and innocent days
喂... 點解你咁冇原則
Hey... How come you have no principles
When there's something in it for you you'll even call yourself a dog
點解要聽佢亂up 車大炮你又信到十足十
Why do you listen to his nonsense and believe all his crap
你有幾硬 幾硬 幾硬 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How strong are you? How strong? How strong? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾假 幾假 幾假 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How fake are you? How fake? How fake? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾大 幾大 幾大 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How big are you? How big? How big? (Do you think I) fear you!
唔係怕你有乜 我地唔係好恰
I don't fear what you have I'm not a pushover
你有幾硬 幾硬 幾硬 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How strong are you? How strong? How strong? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾假 幾假 幾假 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How fake are you? How fake? How fake? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾大 幾大 幾大 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How big are you? How big? How big? (Do you think I) fear you!
唔係怕你有乜 我地唔係好恰
I don't fear what you have I'm not a pushover
你有幾硬 幾硬 幾硬 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How strong are you? How strong? How strong? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾假 幾假 幾假 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How fake are you? How fake? How fake? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾大 幾大 幾大 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How big are you? How big? How big? (Do you think I) fear you!
唔係怕你有乜 我地唔係好恰
I don't fear what you have I'm not a pushover
你有幾硬 幾硬 幾硬 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How strong are you? How strong? How strong? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾假 幾假 幾假 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How fake are you? How fake? How fake? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾大 幾大 幾大 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How big are you? How big? How big? (Do you think I) fear you!
唔係怕你有乜 我地唔係好恰
I don't fear what you have I'm not a pushover
你有幾硬 幾硬 幾硬 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How strong are you? How strong? How strong? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾假 幾假 幾假 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How fake are you? How fake? How fake? (Do you think I) fear you!
你有幾大 幾大 幾大 (你估我) 怕你呀!
How big are you? How big? How big? (Do you think I) fear you!
唔係怕你有乜 我地唔係好恰
I don't fear what you have I'm not a pushover

Авторы: Davy, Kee, Mc Kit, Mc Phat, Mc Wah, Mc Yan

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