La-33 - El Robo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни La-33 - El Robo

El Robo
The Theft
En un día de mayo
One day in May
Ocurrió en la capital
It happened in the capital
Me robaron el piano
They stole my piano
No me lo puedo explicar,
I can't explain it to myself,
Es que yo nunca robe
Because I never stole
Por que me pasa esto a mí,
Why is this happening to me,
Cuando encuentre al culpable
When I find the culprit
Si lo llego a encontrar
If I ever find him
Tratare de buscar la forma
I will try to find a way
De poderlo castigar,
To be able to punish him,
Y así hacerle entender
And thus make him understand
Que los que roban hacen mal.
That those who steal do wrong.
Por que robando a la gente
Because stealing from people
Jamás podrás comprender
You will never be able to understand
Que lo que no has construido
That what you have not built
Nunca lo vas a tener,
You will never have it,
Si no tienes principios
If you have no principles
Te dedico esta canción
I dedicate this song to you
Con esta te comunico. Óyelo
With this, I'm reaching out to you. Hear it
El ladrón me robo lo voy a joder
The thief robbed me, I'm going to f*** him up
Serpiente de cascabel que yo te digo
Rattlesnake, I'm telling you
Que algún día, algún día te voy a coger.
Some day, some day I'm going to catch you.
El ladrón me robo lo voy a joder
The thief robbed me, I'm going to f*** him up
Que yo te digo se me perdió la cartera
I'm telling you, I lost my wallet
Ya no tengo más dinero.
I have no more money.
El ladrón me robo (el ladrón me robo) lo voy a joder
The thief robbed me (the thief robbed me) I'm going to f*** him up
Cleptómano descarado
Shameless kleptomaniac
Ya lo tenias lo tenias, lo tenias, lo tenias
You had it already, you had it, you had it, you had it
Calculado, como no.
Calculated, of course.
El ladrón me robo lo voy a joder
The thief robbed me, I'm going to f*** him up
Te robaste mi piano y violaste a mi gata
You stole my piano and raped my cat
Ay, y ahora no tengo plata.
Oh, and now I have no money.
El ladrón me robo (el ladrón me robo) lo voy a joder
The thief robbed me (the thief robbed me) I'm going to f*** him up
Y si fuiste tu Juanito Alimaña
And if it was you, Juanito Scum
Yo te cojo y te quito esa mano
I'll catch you and cut off that hand
Como no.
Of course.
El ladrón me robo lo voy a joder
The thief robbed me, I'm going to f*** him up
Ladroncito querido
Dear thief
Ladroncito mal nacido
Low-life thief
Me robo
He stole it
El ladrón me robo
The thief robbed me
Me robo
He stole it
El ladrón me robo
The thief robbed me
Me robo
He stole it
El ladrón me robo.
The thief robbed me.
Oye te voy a joder, todo bien.
Listen, I'm going to f*** you up, all right.

Авторы: Sergio Mejia

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