La Chilindrina - Pin Pon / Tengo una Muñeca - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни La Chilindrina - Pin Pon / Tengo una Muñeca

Pin Pon / Tengo una Muñeca
Pin Pon / I Have a Doll
Pimpon es un muñeco
Pinpon is a doll
Muy guapo y de carton
very beautiful and made of cardboard
Se laba las manitas
he washes his hands
Con agua y con jabon,
with soap and water
Se des enrreda el pelo
he untangles his hair
Con peine de marfil
with an ivory comb
Y aunque se de estirones
and even if someone pulls on him
No llora ni hase asi!!!!! ai¡¡¡¡¡
he doesn't cry or make any sound!
Pimpon toma su sopa
Pinpon eats his soup
Y no ensucia el delantal
and doesn't stain his bib
Pues come con cuidado
he eats carefully
Como un buen colejial
like a good student
Apenas las estrellas
as soon as the stars
Comiensan a brillar
begin to shine
Pimpon se va a la cama
Pinpon goes to bed
Y se acuesta a descansar
and lays down to rest
Y aunque agan mucho ruido
and even if they make a lot of noise
Con el despèrtador
with the alarm clock
Pimpon no hace caso
Pinpon doesn't pay attention
Y no buelbe a despertar
and doesn't wake up again
Pimpon dame la mano
Pinpon give me your hand
Con un fuerte aptreton
with a strong handshake
Que quiero ser tu amigo
because I want to be your friend
Pimpon pimpon pimpon!!!!! pimpon¡¡¡¡¡
Pinpon pinpon pinpon!!!!! pinpon
Tengo una muñeca
I have a doll
Vestida de azul
dressed in blue
Con su camisita
with her little shirt
Y su canesú.
and her bodice
La saqué a paseo,
I took her for a walk
Se me constipó,
she got a cold
La tengo en la cama
I have her in bed
Con mucho dolor.
in great pain
Y esta mañanita
and this morning
Me dijo el doctor
the doctor told me
Que le el jarabe
to give her the syrup
Con un tenedor.
with a fork
Dos y dos son cuatro,
two and two are four
Cuatro y dos son seis,
four and two are six
Seis y dos son ocho,
six and two are eight
Y ocho dieciséis,
and eight is sixteen
Y ocho veinticuatro,
and eight is twenty-four
Y ocho treinta y dos.
and eight is thirty-two
Animas benditas
blessed souls
Me arrodillo yo.
I kneel before you

Авторы: Ricardo González

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