Pero
que
os
pasa
chavales,
que
aora
todos
quereis
ser
barrio
bajeros
y
venir
de
barrios
bajos:
da
igual
el
de
la
chaqueta,
el
de
la
corbata,
el
del
mocasin,
el
del
bermudas,
el
del
batin,
que
mas
dara
de
donde
vengais,
de
donde
seais,
ombre
sean
ustedes
mis
monos,
no
fuerzen
no
se
enfrenten
aunque
a
cada
uno
la
politica
diferentemente
no
os
afecte.
Baby
girl,
what's
got
into
you?
Now
you're
all
pretending
to
be
gangsters
and
come
from
the
slums:
it
doesn't
matter
the
guy
with
the
jacket,
the
one
with
the
tie,
the
one
with
the
loafers,
the
one
with
the
Bermuda
shorts,
the
one
with
the
dressing
gown,
where
you
come
from
doesn't
matter,
who
you
are,
honey,
please
don't
be
silly,
don't
get
confrontational
even
though
politics
affect
you
differently.