Palmas darnos no empujarnos, vinimos limpitos, si no ensuciarnos, vaya barrizal menudo charcal, que el pie hasta el fondo y el gallumbo calar (bis)
Give us palms, not pushes, we came clean, so as not to get dirty. What a mud puddle, what a puddle, our feet sink to the bottom and our pants get wet (twice)
Cantimplora al hombro, la espalda en corvo, pegaste el sorbo en tu cara de asombro, pues si hay prioridades en estos lugares, la nuestra fue encamar, no mentir y hacer sentir a los chavales, alegr
Canteen on my shoulder, my back hunched over, you took a sip with a look of astonishment on your face. Because if there are priorities in these places, ours was to get to bed, not to lie and to make the kids feel happy.
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