La Familia - Ati uitat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни La Familia - Ati uitat

Ati uitat
You Forgot
Ne-am intors de parca nu am fi plecat niciodata
We're back like we never left
Stii. suntem aicea in fatza ta. Zi!
You know, we're right here in front of you. Say it!
Cantam despre strada. Asa e!
We sing about the streets. That's how it is!
Direct din mijlocul strazii, acolo traim.
Straight from the middle of the street, that's where we live.
*** direct in gura pentru toti fraieri care au probleme ***
*** straight in the mouth for all the suckers who have problems ***
Zi, fratele meu, stii cum e treaba?
Say, brother, do you know how it goes?
Direct din Balta Alba, Salajan.
Straight from Balta Alba, Salajan.
Inca de cand am iesit cu ′Tupeu de borfas'
Ever since we came out with 'Tupeu de borfas' (Thug's Guts)
Toti vroiau sa fie langa acei baietasi
Everyone wanted to be around those boys
Cand nu mai ajung prin tara si dolarei
When dollars and fame run out
Cu lunile nu mai auzi de ei
You don't hear from them for months
M****s pe ei, nu asta ne face pe noi
Fuck them, that's not what makes us
V-ati stricat si pute a gunoi
You've gone bad and you stink of garbage
A trebuit sa inselam, sa furam ca sa mancam
We had to cheat, to steal to eat
Casa de productie a trebuit sa renuntam
We had to give up the production house
Pe strada bagabontii ne intreaba:
The bums on the street ask us:
′***, nu mai scoateti albumu' odata? '
'Damn, aren't you gonna release the album already?'
In muzica se stie, e foame de bani
In music, it's known, there's a hunger for money
Prietenii devin dusmani, dusmanii fac
Friends become enemies, enemies become...
Producatorul te trateaza ca un V. I. P.
The producer treats you like a V.I.P.
Doar cand ii bagi in conturi dolarii
Only when you put dollars in his accounts
Impresarii vorbesc mult, se dau frati
Managers talk a lot, they act like brothers
(Vor sa te arda, ar trebui sa-i bati!)
(They want to burn you, you should beat them up!)
Ati uitat ca La Familia e din nou la treaba
You forgot that La Familia is back in business
O sa facem tot ce trebuie ca sa ne mearga
We're gonna do whatever it takes to make it work
Ati uitat, e la fel, e de cartier
You forgot, it's the same, it's from the hood
Ne-am intors de parca nu am fi plecat nicaieri.
We're back like we never left.
Imi place sa-i fac pe bulangii sa le para rau de tot
I like to make the punks regret everything
Sa-si inghita vorbele pe care ei le scot
To swallow the words they spit out
Imi place sa?? bagabontilor de acasa
I like to?? the bums from home
Lumea trebuie sa tipe cu *** mea??
The world needs to scream with my shit??
Sa-nteleaga cum naiba ma simt cand mi se spune:
To understand how the hell I feel when I'm told:
′Nu sunt bani pentru urmatoarele albume.
'There's no money for the next albums.'
Crezi ca poti s-o faci in locul meu? N-ai decat.
Think you can do it in my place? Go ahead.
Dar despre ce-o sa vorbesti daca n-ai trecut prin ce-am trecut
But what are you gonna talk about if you haven't been through what I've been through
Atentie! O sa sugeti ***. Si pe strada si pe scena o sa va-nchidem gura
Attention! You're gonna suck dick. We'll shut you up on the street and on the stage
Va uitati urat pe mine:'Asta se drogheaza′
You look at me ugly: 'This guy does drugs'
Unii mai fac greseli, m****s pe lumea voastra.
Some people make mistakes, fuck your world.
Lumea trebuie sa fie a mea si-o sa fac sa fie asa
The world has to be mine and I'm gonna make it so
Tony Montana, vei canta cu La Familia
Tony Montana, you'll sing with La Familia
O sa te iau?? chiar daca e greu
I'll take you?? even if it's hard
Tara mea, orasul meu, cartierul meu...
My country, my city, my hood...
Ati uitat ca La Familia e din nou la treaba
You forgot that La Familia is back in business
O sa facem tot ce trebuie ca sa ne mearga
We're gonna do whatever it takes to make it work
Ati uitat, e la fel, e de cartier
You forgot, it's the same, it's from the hood
Ne-am intors de parca nu am fi plecat nicaieri.
We're back like we never left.
Stii, cineva mi-a spus ca e ca un razboi treaba asta
You know, someone told me this is like a war
Si noi suntem soldati in prima linie
And we're soldiers on the front lines
Asa ca nu putem sa plecam, nu putem sa dezamagim pe nimeni
So we can't leave, we can't let anyone down
Stii cum e, trebuie sa luptam pana la capat
You know how it is, we have to fight to the end
Si ne place treaba asta. e singurul lucru care stim sa-l facem
And we love this job. It's the only thing we know how to do
Si-o sa-l facem bine! (Frate...)
And we're gonna do it well! (Brother...)
Daca tot e industrie am sa-mi vad de treaba
If it's an industry, I'm gonna do my thing
Eram ca o familie inainte sa ne mearga
We were like a family before we made it
Lumea pune acuma banu' la ciorap
People are putting money in their socks now
In *** mea, fratie, eu de ce sa nu o fac?
In my dick, brotherhood, why shouldn't I do it?
Semnez un contract sa-mi iau ce am visat
I sign a contract to get what I dreamed of
Cant pentru bagabontii mei muzica rap
I sing rap music for my homies
Ati uitat, e La Familia, e la fel
You forgot, it's La Familia, it's the same
Cine a zis prima oara baieti de cartier?
Who first said "boys from the hood"?
Ati uitat ca La Familia e din nou la treaba
You forgot that La Familia is back in business
O sa facem tot ce trebuie ca sa ne mearga
We're gonna do whatever it takes to make it work
Ati uitat, e la fel, e de cartier
You forgot, it's the same, it's from the hood
Ne-am intors de parca nu am fi plecat nicaieri.
We're back like we never left.

Авторы: Dragos Gardescu, Terrance L Croom, Sisu Tudor, Sebastian Zsemlye

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