La Familia feat. Uzzi - Vorbe - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни La Familia feat. Uzzi - Vorbe

Feat. Uzzi)
Feat. Uzzi)
Vorbe, vorbe
Talk, talk
Sunt vorbe de c***t
There's talk of c***t
Le-aud in fiecare zi
I hear them every day
Vorbe, sunt vorbe de c***t
Talk, it's talk of c* * *t
Le-aud in fiecare zi
I hear them every day
Unii sufera de smecherie, dar ′s vai mortii lor
Some suffer from trickery, but it's woe to their deaths
Cauta sa se umfle in fata fraierilor, sclavilor,
Looking to swell in front of suckers, slaves,
Cateva vorbe sunt un c***t,
A few words are a c***t,
Nici o minciuna nu te face mai baiat
No lie makes you more boyish
Degeaba vorbesti prin cartier ca esti milionar
You talk about being a millionaire in the neighborhood
Cand de fapt n-ai zece mii in buzunar!
When you don't have ten grand in your pocket!
Altii spun nume de smecheri, de neamuri de tigani
Others say names of tricksters, of gentiles of gypsies
Dar vorbele lor nu valoreaza doi bani.
But their words aren't worth a damn.
Orice sclav tremura cand e sa-si ia omor
Every slave trembles when he's about to kill himself
Orice tigan mai inbracat se crede Fane spoitoru'
Any dressed Gypsy thinks they're Fane spoitoru'
Vorbele n-au valoare, faptele conteaza!
Words are worthless, deeds matter!
Smecherii se cunosc, nu se inventeaza
Tricks are known, not invented
Bulangii ma streseaza, cand abereaza
Motherfuckers stress me out when they freak out
Sa vedem ce poti, vorbele nu ma impresioneaza
Let's see what you can, the words do not impress me
Pentru cine cant? Am sa-ti raspund!
Who am I playing for? I'll answer you!
Ma gasesti aici in Salajan, nu ma ascund!
You can find me here in Salajan, I'm not hiding!
Nu vorbi fara sa stii
Don't talk without knowing
Nu halii mereu ce auzi de la altii,
Don't always tell what you hear from others,
Nu te da ce nu poti sa fii
Don't give yourself what you can't be
Sunt vorbe de c***t, le-aud in fiecare zi
It's c***t talk, I hear it every day
Pentru ca fraierii sa-nceapa sa cunoasca veteranii
For suckers to start meeting veterans
Ca vorbim despre cum e zi de zi si cum trec anii:
That we talk about how it is day by day and how the years go by:
Sunt baietii care fac
It's the guys who do
Si sunt tarfele cu muia
And there are whores with blowjobs
Din cartier de la mine, pana-n salajan la Puya
From my neighborhood to salajan to Puya
Poti sa faci un teanc de bani
You can make a stack of money
Daca scoti bine o vorba
If you get a word right
Dar mai poti c-o simpla vorba sa ajungi la morga
But you can still use a simple word to get to the morgue
In fiecare zi
Every day
Si in fiecare seara
And every night
Apare gabor dupa gabor aproape-n fiecare scara
Gabor after gabor appears in almost every ladder
Care ei in prostia lor.
Which they in their stupidity.
Astepta doar o vorba sa te duca la **
Just waiting for a word to take you to **
Am ramas cu ai mei
I stayed with mine
Si ei cu mine ca la-nceput
And they with me as in the beginning
Turnatorii de baieti s-au separat de mult
Boy snitches have long since separated
Deci **** pentru gabori, **** pentru tarfe barfitoare de barfe
So **** for the cops, **** for the gossip whores
Am respect pentru cei care-au trait ca mine,
I have respect for those who have lived like me,
Restu: poc, poc, poc, poc, poc
Restu: Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang
Pentru tine.
For you.
De multe ori o vorba spusa aiurea-i mult mai grea
Often a bad word is much harder
Aduce mai multa violenta ca o fapta rea
Bring more violence as a bad deed
Face dintr-o domnisoara cuminte o t***a
Makes a good lady a t***a
Dintr-un baietas de cartier subiect de barfa
From a neighborhood boy the subject of gossip
Se aude ca nu stiu ce pustioaica ar suge p***,
It sounds like I don't know what kid would suck p***,
Frate, fiecare face ce stie cu gura!
Brother, everyone does what they know with their mouth!
Multi sclavi vorbesc aiurea doar ca sa se bage-n seama
A lot of slaves talk crazy just to notice
Si am impresia ca adevarul le provoaca teama
And I have the impression that the truth causes them fear
Daca nu ma crezi inseamna ca n-ai vazut
If you don't believe me, you haven't seen it
Scandaluri intre baietasi pentru o vorba-n vant
Scandals between boys for a word in the wind
Pentru o-njuratura spusa la betie
For a drunken swearing
Baietasii zac pe mese la urgenta in prostie
Boys lie on emergency tables in stupidity
Multi altii ar fi acum in libertate,
Many others would now be at large,
Daca nu ar fi plecat capul la vorbe aruncate pe la spate
If he hadn't bowed his head to words thrown behind his back
Fraierii vorbesc cat se poate, dar nu stiu
Suckers talk as much as they can, but I don't know
Ca o simpla vorba le poate aduce, moarte!!!
As a mere word can bring them, death!!!

Авторы: Demeter Alin Adrian, Dragos Gardescu, Sisu Tudor

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