La Gossa Sorda - Diuen - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни La Gossa Sorda - Diuen

They Say
Diuen que som el dimoni
They say we're the devil
La bèstia negra de l'ordre
The black beast of order
El paradigma de l'odi
The paradigm of hatred
La fera immunda i ferotge
The unclean and ferocious beast
Que trenca el consens i el tedi
That breaks the consensus and the tedium
De la seua bassa d'oli
Of their pool of oil
Dins del sistema modèlic
Within the model system
Som la taca de petroli
We are the oil stain
I nosaltres orgullosos i somrients
And we, proud and smiling
Rebem els colps i assumim el nostre paper
Receive the blows and assume our role
Estar al punt de mira dels putrefactes
To be in the crosshairs of the putrefied
Ens fa saber que no anem errats dels trets
Lets us know that we're not straying from the shots
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
No espereu flors quan ens heu venut verí
Don't expect flowers when you've sold us poison
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
I aquesta és la llet que tenim
And this is the milk we have
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
No espereu flors quan ens heu venut verí
Don't expect flowers when you've sold us poison
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
I aquesta és la llet que tenim
And this is the milk we have
Des de les seus poltrones
From their armchairs
Diuen que trenquem l'essència
They say we break the essence
No de quina una i grande
I don't know what one and great
Libre i maleïda pàtria
Free and cursed homeland
Nosaltres de peus a terra
We stand on our feet
Volem la vida més vida
We want more life
Si cal serem el negre
If necessary, we'll be the black good
Contra la blanca mentida
Against the white lie
I continuem orgullosos i somrients
And we continue proud and smiling
Amb humilitat repartint color pel carrer
With humility, distributing color on the street
Sorpresos i perplexos per saber
Surprised and perplexed to know
Que amb cançonetes fem maldecaps al poder
That with songs we give power headaches
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
No espereu flors quan ens heu venut verí
Don't expect flowers when you've sold us poison
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
I aquesta és la llet que tenim
And this is the milk we have
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
No espereu flors quan ens heu venut verí
Don't expect flowers when you've sold us poison
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
I aquesta és la llet que tenim
And this is the milk we have
Va, que berenem mona
Go, we'll have a snack
I trau suc del celler
And bring out the juice from the cellar
Que aquesta gent no ens interessa
These people don't interest us
Per res, per res
At all, at all
Va, que berenem mona
Go, we'll have a snack
I trau suc del celler
And bring out the juice from the cellar
No és difícil d'entendre
It's not hard to understand
Si ens escolteu
If you listen to us
Wake up
Es destapa la trama
The plot is revealed
Wake up
No hi ha ningun misteri
There's no mystery
Va, que berenem mona
Go, we'll have a snack
I trau suc del celler
And bring out the juice from the cellar
Que aquesta gent no ens interessa
These people don't interest us
Per res, per res
At all, at all
I encara que tu cregues que
And even if you thought so
No hi ha dubtes valent
There's no doubt, brave one
No és difícil d'entendre
It's not hard to understand
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
No espereu flors quan ens heu venut verí
Don't expect flowers when you've sold us poison
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
I aquesta és la llet que tenim
And this is the milk we have
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
No espereu flors quan ens heu venut verí
Don't expect flowers when you've sold us poison
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
I aquesta és la llet que tenim
And this is the milk we have
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
No espereu flors quan ens heu venut verí
Don't expect flowers when you've sold us poison
Que diguen el que vulguen que estem ben vius
Let them say what they want, we're alive
I aquesta és la llet que tenim
And this is the milk we have
I aquesta és la llet que tenim
And this is the milk we have
I aquesta és la llet que tenim
And this is the milk we have
I aquesta és la llet que tenim
And this is the milk we have

Авторы: Arnau Gimenez Sanchez, Joan Marc Perez Girau, Eduardo Torrens Sendra, Pere Joan Pons Cambrils, Jose Ramon Nadal Sendra, Alejandro Segui Ruiz, Jorge Marti Azara, Salvador Bolufer Sendra

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