La Gossa Sorda - Respira (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни La Gossa Sorda - Respira (Live)

Respira (Live)
Respira (Live)
Tombar els carrers d'un poble
Strolling through the streets of a town
He tornat a vagar desficiós
I have returned to wander delirious
Pels carrers del meu poble
Through the streets of my town
Paissatge de grues i pols
Landscape of cranes and dust
Em van ofegant les hores
The hours are choking me
La vida passa com una processó
Life passes like a procession
Amb regust d'immobiliària
With an estate agent's aftertaste
Cacics i llepons, recepta mil·lenària
Bosses and lackeys, an age-old recipe
El que el poble vota va a missa
Those who the town votes for go to mass
Columna de ciris obedient i sumissa
A column of candles obedient and submissive
Seguint a la santa patrona
Following the patron saint
Camina segura la gent normal
Normal people walk confidently
I senyors amb maletins que compren terres
And gentlemen with briefcases who buy land
I venen sol·lucions de futur per cuatre perres
And sell futuristic solutions for next to nothing
I ajuntaments obedients i també somrients
And obedient town councils and smiling too
I un grapat de policies armats fins a les dents
And a bunch of policemen armed to the teeth
Respira, sents com s'accelera el cor
Breathe, can you feel your heart racing?
Respira, sents com s'accelera el cor
Breathe, can you feel your heart racing?
Refarem l'alternativa i encendrem cada racó
We shall rebuild the alternative and light up every corner
I he tornat a vagar orgullós
And I have returned to wander proudly
Pels carrers del meu poble
Through the streets of my town
Resposta i color
Answer and color
Ja van despertant les hores
The hours are awakening
Que la sang córrega encessa pel teu cos
Let the blood run hot through your body
I la paraula no ens quede buida esta nit de foc
And let the word not be empty this fiery night
En bacanal col·lectiva
In a collective bacchanal
El que el poble vota va a missa
Those who the town votes for go to mass
Columna de ciris obedient i sumissa
A column of candles obedient and submissive
Seguint a la santa patrona
Following the patron saint
Camina segura la gent normal
Normal people walk confidently
Inmigrants que sobreviuen com poden
Immigrants who survive as best they can
I grans emprenedors que quan poden ens roben
And great entrepreneurs who rob us when they can
I besen l'estampeta mentre es peguen colps al pit
And they kiss the holy picture as they beat their chests
Pagant tres euros l'hora, que fàcil fer-se ric
Paying three euros an hour, how easy it is to get rich
Respira, sents com s'accelera el cor
Breathe, can you feel your heart racing?
Respira, sents com s'accelera el cor
Breathe, can you feel your heart racing?
Refarem l'alternativa i encendrem cada racó
We shall rebuild the alternative and light up every corner
Respira, sents com s'accelera el cor
Breathe, can you feel your heart racing?
Respira, sents com s'accelera el cor
Breathe, can you feel your heart racing?
Refarem l'alternativa i encendrem cada racó
We shall rebuild the alternative and light up every corner
Pare mire i no puc evitar
Father, look, I can't help it
Tota la ràbia que puc aportar
All the rage that I can bring
Vull mantindre la conciència intacta
I want to keep my conscience intact
Ben agarrat, ben agarrat
Firmly grasped, firmly grasped
Jo tinc el mànec molt ben agarrat
I have a very firm grip on the handle
Agafe paraules, dispare conceptes que tu no pots imaginar
I pick up words, shoot concepts that you can't imagine
I si la roda roda
And if the wheel turns
I tu formes part de la cosa
And you are part of the thing
Pot canviar d'un gir el tema
The subject can change from one turn to the next
I aprendràs a tragar terra
And you will learn to swallow dirt
I si la roda roda
And if the wheel turns
I tu formes part de la cosa
And you are part of the thing
Pot canviar d'un gir el tema (Vosaltres!)
The subject can change from one turn to the next (You all!)
Matemàtica, curiosa existència
Mathematics, curious existence
Vivint component
Living component
Somiant amb la lluna
Dreaming of the moon
Pare mire i no puc evitar
Father, look, I can't help it
Tota la ràbia que puc aportar
All the rage that I can bring
Vull mantindre la conciència intacta
I want to keep my conscience intact
Ben agarrat, ben agarrat
Firmly grasped, firmly grasped
Jo tinc el mànec molt ben agarrat
I have a very firm grip on the handle
Agafe paraules, dispare conceptes que tu no pots imaginar
I pick up words, shoot concepts that you can't imagine
Matemàtica, curiosa existència
Mathematics, curious existence
Vivim com podem
We live as best we can
Somiant amb la lluna
Dreaming of the moon
Matemàtica, curiosa existència
Mathematics, curious existence
Esclaus d'un nou temps
Slaves to a new era
Pistoles de fusta
Wooden pistols
Preparem a la terra vivia i ens anem a cada racó
Let's prepare the earth, let's live and go to every corner

Авторы: Arnau Gimenez Sanchez, Joan Marc Perez Girau, Eduardo Torrens Sendra, Pere Joan Pons Cambrils, Jose Ramon Nadal Sendra, Alejandro Segui Ruiz, Jorge Marti Azara, Salvador Bolufer Sendra

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