Todos los artistas internacionales desconciertan con el público de lima, levantan las manos para interactuar y el público d lima no se quiere inmutar
All international artists are taken aback by the Lima crowd. They raise their hands to interact, but the Lima crowd doesn't want to be moved.
El artista decide contraatacar y manda su cancion mas popular
The artist decides to counterattack and plays their most popular song.
El público de lima comienza a saltar pero a los pocos segundos se comienza a disipar
The Lima crowd starts to jump but after a few seconds, they start to dissipate.
Su atención personas adelante que no dejan de conversar
They pay attention to the people in front of them who never stop talking.
Su atención personas adelante que se toman la fotito con el celular
They pay attention to the people in front of them who take pictures with their cell phones.
Que fulano de tal esta en nada por que nunca tiene plata para las entradas
That so-and-so is a nobody because he never has money for tickets.
Como el pobre y triste cholo mike, que no le alcanzo ni para la zona apdayc
Like the poor and sad cholo Mike, who couldn't even afford the APdayc area.
Las barreras son barreras y desconciertan a los artistas
The barriers are barriers and baffle the artists.
Alrededor del mundo en todas sus presentaciones nunca vieron un concierto con tantas separaciones fragmentados y dividos, el público de lima seguira jodido
Around the world, in all their performances, they have never seen a concert with so many separations, fragmented and divided. The Lima crowd will continue to be screwed.
I say
Fragmentados y dividos, todo el planeta tierra seguira jodido
Fragmented and divided, the entire planet Earth will continue to be screwed.
Estamos como en las grandes capitales, llegan mega estrellas con fuegos artificiales y para el colmo de males se repletan la boca gritando ofertas culturales que son banales de alma calata tienen el pecho mas frio que un metal
We are like the big cities, with fireworks and megastars. And to top it all off, they talk a big talk about cultural offerings that are banal. Cold as ice, their hearts are heartless.
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