La Troba Kung-Fú - Calor calor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни La Troba Kung-Fú - Calor calor

Calor calor
Heat heat
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Alcohol que en baixar ja no em crema
Alcohol that no longer burns me when it goes down
Que a l'entranya hi tinc una pedra
Because I have a stone in my gut
Pedra de gel feta de pena
A stone of ice made of grief
Ja no li cau ni una llagrimeta
Not even a tear falls from it anymore
"Nano, tu ets jove", em diuen veuetes
"Kid, you're young", little voices tell me
Per veure els dies passar tan ràpid
To see the days go by so fast
Acaba el trago i aixeca la vista
Finish your drink and look up
I surt al carrer i busca qui t'estima.
And go out on the street and look for someone who loves you.
Arriba un iaio ple de cabòries
An old man full of worries arrives
Menjant cigarros i, a la meva olla,
Eating cigars and, in my pot,
Donant-me brasa sense profit
Giving me embers without profit
Sempre m'explica ai! deu mil històries
He always tells me oh! ten thousand stories
I em dic, que jo puc, que no sóc poruc
And I tell myself, that I can, that I'm not afraid
Però el fred de peus em fa sentir sirenes
But the cold of my feet makes me hear sirens
Cada sirena pel que he perdut
Each siren for what I have lost
A tots els trens els queda l'esquena
All the trains have their backs turned
Que no m'esglaio, ni em falten vides
That I don't slip, nor do I lack lives
El fred em pela i m'esqueixa a tires.
The cold peels me and tears me to shreds.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Però dins el gel el meu cor batega
But within the ice my heart beats
Bombeja sang a ritme de fera
It pumps blood at the rhythm of a wild beast
I el fred de peus ara pica al terra
And the cold of my feet now stings the ground
I el Canigó ara se m'ha tornat cascada
And the Canigó has now become a waterfall for me
I canto blues amb llengua bastarda
And I sing the blues with a bastard tongue
Perquè mare però qui sap del pare
Because it has a mother but who knows about the father
I donc gràcies perquè respiro
And so I give thanks because I breathe
Vull estimar tot allò que miro
I want to love everything I look at
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Calor, calor, falta calor
Heat, heat, there's no heat
Acosta't una mica per favor.
Lie down a little please.
Trobo el sereno al carrer mullat
I find the night watchman on the wet street
és el tanguero de les altes hores
he is the tango dancer of the late hours
Que canta sol amb l'orquestra mora
Who sings alone with the Moorish orchestra
I dóna avís del que escolta i senya
And gives notice of what he hears and signals
I dóna senya al niu de la pena
And gives a signal to the nest of sorrow
Que no hi ha roca que l'aigua no mogui
That there is no rock that water does not move
Que la cançó és per qui la canti
That the song is for whoever sings it
I la guitarra per qui la toqui
And the guitar for whoever plays it
Que no m'esglaio ni em falten vides
That I don't slip nor do I lack lives
Però no tinc fred ni m'esqueixo a tires
But I'm not cold nor am I torn to shreds
Calor, calor, quina calor que fa
Heat, heat, how hot it is
Que ens haurem de despullar
We'll have to undress

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