La Troba Kung-Fú - Rúmbia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни La Troba Kung-Fú - Rúmbia

Em diuen Rúmbia! jo sóc la Rúmbia!
They call me Rúmbia! I'm Rúmbia!
He nascut a vora via de la màquina i l'oliva
I was born near the highway, by the machine and the olive tree
Rúmbia! My name is Rúmbia!
Rúmbia! My name is Rúmbia!
From la Barna perifèrica ma pastard de la rumba
From the peripheral Barna, but a bastard of the rumba
El tren de rodalies va carregat de vides
The commuter train is loaded with lives
Va carregat de silencis, mai arriba per la via
It's loaded with silences, it never arrives on time
L'artèria cosmopolita bombejant la nit i el dia
The cosmopolitan artery pumping night and day
Mitja vida per la via si has nascut a rodalies
Half a life by the track if you were born by the commuter lines
My name is Rúmbia! Em diuen Rúmbia!
My name is Rúmbia! They call me Rúmbia!
From de crazy balyland oriental i occidental
From the crazy balyland, oriental and occidental
Rúmbia! My name is Rúmbia!
Rúmbia! My name is Rúmbia!
From the forest neighbourhood siempre quise bailar la cúmbia
From the forest neighborhood, I always wanted to dance the cúmbia
Polígon industrial prop la vinya comarcal
Industrial estate near the regional vineyard
Autovía perillosa, Gasa al fons fent l'animal
Dangerous highway, Gasa at the back, acting like an animal
Are you dancing passodoble? I will drinking más del doble
Are you dancing passodoble? I'll be drinking more than double
Casa al fons xupant benzina amb el còcktel de cantina
House at the back, sucking petrol with the canteen cocktail
Rúmbia! My name is Rúmbia!
Rúmbia! My name is Rúmbia!
From la Barna perifèrica ma pastard de la rumba
From the peripheral Barna, but a bastard of the rumba
Rúmbia! Que em diuen Rúmbia!
Rúmbia! They call me Rúmbia!
He nascut a vora via de la màquina i l'oliva
I was born near the highway, by the machine and the olive tree
La meva rúmbia és un crit, treu la ràbia cura al ferit
My rumba is a cry, it takes out the rage, heals the wounded
Per això sempre avança pel marge, canta amb les ganes del qui viatja
That's why it always advances along the edge, sings with the passion of the traveler
D'una ferida ella va néixer, planta amb la sembra del qui vol créixer
From a wound, it was born, planted with the sowing of those who want to grow
és la llengua bastarda del lladre, lladre d'amor i de ballades
It is the bastard language of the thief, a thief of love and ballads
My name is Rúmbia! Que em diuen Rúmbia!
My name is Rúmbia! They call me Rúmbia!
He nascut a vora via de la màquina i l'oliva
I was born near the highway, by the machine and the olive tree
Rúmbia! my name is Rúmbia!
Rúmbia! my name is Rúmbia!
From the forest neighbourhood siempre quise bailar la cúmbia
From the forest neighborhood, I always wanted to dance the cúmbia
Rúmbia! Rúmbia!
Rúmbia! Rúmbia!

Авторы: Martinez Joan Garriga

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