La Zaga - Donde Están los Que Atacan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни La Zaga - Donde Están los Que Atacan

Donde Están los Que Atacan
Where Are the Attackers
Donde estan los que atacan,
Where are the ones who attack,
Pa yo borrarlos con rimas del mapa papa epa caca
So I can erase them with rhymes from the map papa epa caca
Tus liricas para mi son es baratas, yo si que maltrata, capta
Your lyrics are cheap to me, I do mistreat, capture
Epa becerro a mi no te me batas
Epa calf don't fight me
Pa no volarle la pata cuando le ponga a repicar el tatatataca
So as not to blow your leg off when I start firing the tatatataca
Es que rapero ya se volvieron fue todos
It is that rappers have already become all
Por eso es que mas de uno muere hasta por un porro
That's why more than one dies even for a joint
Hablan de plomo plomo de que plomo para plomo
They talk about lead lead what lead for lead
Pero como corren cuando uno les quiere dar plomo
But how they run when someone wants to give them lead
Es que la moda del fulano blinblineo los
It's that the fashion of the so-and-so blinblineo them
Tiene pensando en carros caros y en puro paveo
Has them thinking about expensive cars and pure strolling
Sueñan con una autana y no le alcanza pa un aveo
They dream of an Autana and can't afford an Aveo
A quien quiere engañar usted yo no me chupo el dedo
Who are you trying to fool, I don't suck my thumb
Ponen cara de malos de contrabandista
They put on bad faces of smugglers
Cuando solo son guebones que viven de pura pinta
When they are just lazy people who live by pure paint
Se inhalan cuatro bolsa de esas que ya
They inhale four bags of those that already
Vienen listas se equivocan con los serios y por eso
They come ready, they are wrong with the serious ones and that's why
En el piso los pintan,
They paint them on the floor,
Si suena el bombo rapido los callo
If the bomb sounds fast, I'll shut them up
Claro, ya que como escribo a diario
Of course, since I write daily
Tengo el indice lleno de callos
I have my index finger full of calluses
Ahora si vamos a batirnos la de artista,
Now we are going to fight the artist,
Si tu eres dangerman yo soy un metroman partiendo pista
If you are dangerman I am a metroman breaking track
Donde estan los que atacan,
Where are the ones who attack,
Pa yo borrarlos con rimas del mapa papa epa caca
So I can erase them with rhymes from the map papa epa caca
Tus liricas para mi son es baratas, yo si que maltrata, capta
Your lyrics are cheap to me, I do mistreat, capture
Epa becerro a mi no te me batas
Epa calf don't fight me
Pa no volarle la pata cuando le ponga a repicar el tatatataca
So as not to blow your leg off when I start firing the tatatataca
Donde estan los que atacan,
Where are the ones who attack,
Pa yo borrarlos con rimas del mapa papa epa caca
So I can erase them with rhymes from the map papa epa caca
Tus liricas para mi son es baratas, yo si que maltrata, capta
Your lyrics are cheap to me, I do mistreat, capture
Epa becerro a mi no te me batas
Epa calf don't fight me
Pa no volarle la pata cuando le ponga a repicar el tatatataca
So as not to blow your leg off when I start firing the tatatataca
Cuando aprenderan a no cantar que
When will they learn not to sing that
Carecen de pan que son de pran de donde estan
They lack bread, that they are from pran, where they are from
Y que son lakras criadas en Vietman,
And that they are lakras raised in Vietnam,
Yo tambien se lo que es no tener mi harina pan
I also know what it is not to have my flour bread
Lo que es prender paranpanpan y ver como balas te dan papa
What it is to light paranpanpan and see how bullets give you dad
Pero eso a mi no me hace hace menos
But that doesn't make me less
Pero si un tipo serio y un rapero real del avispero
But if a serious guy and a real rapper from the hornet's nest
El mismo que se viste de rimas,
The same one who dresses in rhymes,
No subestima al que lastima y el clima te lo vuelve neblina,
Do not underestimate the one who hurts and the weather turns you into fog,
Sh sh, ten cuidao cuando camines que si
Sh sh, be careful when you walk that if
Tu eres muy pintao yo soy la brocha con tiner
You are very painted I am the brush with thinner
No desafines, rime y si quiere estime
Don't go out of tune, rhyme and if you want, estimate
Que pa poder darme la talla buscar a quien te apradine
That to be able to give me the size look for someone to train you
Ahora se forman crew pendiente de lo que haces
Now crew are formed pending what you do
Tu, no tienen actitud y suelen tratarde de epa tu
You, they don't have attitude and they usually try to epa you
Se baten un shampoo pero yo los dejo,
They beat a shampoo but I leave them,
Que crean que se la comen mientras que me hago el pendejo
Let them think they're eating it while I play the fool
Donde estan los que atacan,
Where are the ones who attack,
Pa yo borrarlos con rimas del mapa papa epa caca
So I can erase them with rhymes from the map papa epa caca
Tus liricas para mi son es baratas, yo si que maltrata, capta
Your lyrics are cheap to me, I do mistreat, capture
Epa becerro a mi no te me batas
Epa calf don't fight me
Pa no volarle la pata cuando le ponga a repicar el tatatataca
So as not to blow your leg off when I start firing the tatatataca
Donde estan los que atacan,
Where are the ones who attack,
Pa yo borrarlos con rimas del mapa papa epa caca
So I can erase them with rhymes from the map papa epa caca
Tus liricas para mi son es baratas, yo si que maltrata, capta
Your lyrics are cheap to me, I do mistreat, capture
Epa becerro a mi no te me batas
Epa calf don't fight me
Pa no volarle la pata cuando le ponga a repicar el tatatataca
So as not to blow your leg off when I start firing the tatatataca
Pa no volarle la pata cuando le ponga a
So as not to blow your leg off when I start to
Repicar el tatatataca, Donde estan los que atacan
Fire the tatatataca, Where are the ones who attack
Pa yo con rimas borrarlos del mapa
For me with rhymes to erase them from the map
Yao, yive, zaga, otro nivel
Yao, yive, zaga, another level

Авторы: Jean Carlos Zambrano

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