Lačni Franz - Tiha voda (Vzami si čas) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lačni Franz - Tiha voda (Vzami si čas)

Tiha voda (Vzami si čas)
Quiet Water (Take Your Time)
Utrujene žarnice lajajo na sonce
Tired light bulbs bark at the sun
Ki boža dim in stari prah
That caresses the smoke and old dust
Tiho vodo je strah
The quiet water is afraid
Ker je nihče ne čaka
Because no one is waiting for it
In se ji ne mudi
And it is not in a hurry
Vzami si čas
Take your time
Naj me priložnost spremeni
Let the opportunity change me
Vzami si čas
Take your time
Da iz zaspanega občana zraste
To grow from a sleepy citizen
Bridka sablja roparja
The bitter saber of a robber
Prazni kot moje sobe
Empty like my room
Čaka na najine hlače
Waiting for our pants
Da bo lahko zaspal
So that it can fall asleep
Sva mornarja, si voda nasproti pomola
We are sailors, you are the water in front of the pier
Kjer bom pristal
Where I will land
Vzami si čas
Take your time
Naj me priložnost spremeni
Let the opportunity change me
Vzami si čas za roparja
Take your time for the robber
Prišla si, da vzameš me s sabo
You came to take me with you
Ker nisi, zdaj vem
Because you are not, I know now
Da prideš nazaj
That you will come back
Pod odejo je mraz
Under the blanket is the cold
Ki me ščipa v kosti
That nips at my bones
In zunaj je maj
And outside is May
Vzemi si čas
Take your time

Авторы: Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Zoran Predin

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