Te conoci vida mia y me entregaste tu amor y la hoguera de mi vida que permanecio apagada de repente se encendio
I met you, my life, and you gave me your love. The fire of my life that had long been extinguished suddenly reignited
Con tu calor y tu belleza tu sonrisa algelical te apareciste en mi vida para sanar mis heridas y calmar mi soledad
With your warmth and your beauty, your angelic smile, you appeared in my life to heal my wounds and soothe my loneliness
Y hoy me dices que te vas te vaazzz
And today you tell me that you're leaving
- you're leaving
Y aunque mucho me quisiiiiiste
And though you loved me dearly
Respeto tu decision y guardo en mi corazon la ternura que me diste
I respect your decision and I will cherish in my heart the tenderness you gave me
Y aunque ya no te vere jamaaaaaaaaz y te vas como viniste yo le suplico al creador que te de su bendicion aunque voy a estaaaar muy triste
And though I will never see you again, and you depart as you came, I implore the Creator to bless you, though I will be very sad
La razon de tu partida jamas te preguntare alcontrio te agradesco por los felices momentos que contigo disfruteee
I will never ask you the reason for your departure; instead, I thank you for the happy moments that I enjoyed with you
Yo te juro vida mia que jamas te olvidare porque en mi alma y mi lecho y en mi corazon desecho tu estaras mi angel mi vida
I swear to you, my life, that I will never forget you, because in my soul, in my thoughts, and in my wounded heart, you will always be my angel, my life
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