Lapiz Conciente - Mi Dios Me Aprieta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lapiz Conciente - Mi Dios Me Aprieta

Mi Dios Me Aprieta
My God Squeezes Me
Tu lo AB tu lo AB
You AB it you AB it
Lápiz Conciente
Lápiz Conciente
El Abusador
The Abuser
Tu lo AB
You AB it
Tu guanco vegetal y tu guangua San Juanelo
Your vegetable belly and your San Juanelo boob
No son los fundamental pa' detene al lominero
Are not the basics to stop this whoremonger
Yo tengo un reguardo hecho en punta de Caicedo
I have a charm made in the depths of Caicedo
Yo no caigo en fieta he' palo he muy fuerte lo que bebo
I don't fall for tricks I'm very strong what I drink
Yo que yo llevo lo llevo de corazón
I carry mine deeply in my heart
Rompe saraguey sape brujería barata
It breaks charms and cures cheap witchcraft
En el nombre del señor mi aura se desacata
In the name of the lord my halo becomes unruly
Y el espíritu santo Ora pa' que suene nata
And the holy spirit prays for it to sound like cream
Tu maldad nunca fluye tu obra no destruye
Your evil never flows, your work does not destroy
Por los salmos de mi biblia es que tu pecado huye
Through the psalms of my bible your sin flees.
Tu Infierno moderno derivo con mi cuaderno
Your modern hell I drive away with my notebook
Que frío trajo el verano, que caliente ta' el invierno.
How cold the summer has become, how hot has the winter become.
Avemaría Purísima letra asperísima
Hail Mary Purest very harsh lyrics
Melodía loquísima ta monta y malísima
Very wild melody and very sinister
Tu baraja tu casa matan lo que traen mi raza
Your deck, your house, kill what my race brings
Mi rap te quema como incienso en mi casa.
My rap burns you like incense in my house.
Mala cosa del cache, corra con to' y pachuche
Evil witch of the cache, run away with all your trinkets
Veintiuna divisiones me cuidan si toy cache.
Twenty one divisions protect me if I'm in the cache.
Tu ta' fututo sufriendo como mi pelo en tu macuto
You're at a loss, suffering like my hair in your hair
Por dos pote de trementina mi triunfo te tiene en luto
For two jars of turpentine my triumph wears you out
Me quiere ve a bajo eso te pone bruto
You want to see me down, that makes you an idiot
Buca remedio casero pal dolor si no te guto
Look for a home remedy for the pain if you don't like it
A ti te hace mal pero yo lo disfruto
It hurts you but I enjoy it
Soy el árbol que da fruto, yo no muero de ese suto.
I am the tree that bears fruit, I don't die from that fear.
He que mi Dios me aprieta pero no me ahorca
So my God squeezes me but does not hang me
Me mantiene firme y no me desenfoca
He keeps me firm and does not make me lose focus
Yo toy de pie por su santo espíritu
I stand by his holy spirit
Y por mi Jesús que murió en la cruz.
And for my Jesus who died on the cross.
He que mi Dios me aprieta pero no me ahorca
So my God squeezes me but does not hang me
Me mantiene firme y no me desenfoca
He keeps me firm and does not make me lose focus
Yo toy de pie por su santo espíritu
I stand by his holy spirit
Y por mi Jesús que murió en la cruz.
And for my Jesus who died on the cross.
Compra muñeco y alfiler, pon tu alma en alquiler
Buy a doll and a pin, put your soul up for rent
Véndesela a Lucifer, que ni así tu va poder
Sell it to Lucifer, and even then you won't be able to
Parar tu males a mi me cuidan seres celestiales
Stop your evils, celestial beings watch over me
Arcángeles de Dios con poderes especiales
Archangels of God with special powers
Y tu sufriendo, la dema el corazón te esta comiendo
And you suffer, the devil is eating your heart
As herido tu valor, tu moral se esta muriendo
You have wounded your value, your morale is dying
Por hipócrita, as probado carne liga con Eliot
For being a hypocrite, you have tasted meat mixed with Eliot
Y si sigue así pronto Será tu sepelio
And if you continue like this, your funeral will be soon
Evidentemente tu, no puedes soportar
Evidently you cannot bear
El progreso de tu prójimo, y quieres sembrar la semilla
The progress of your neighbor, and you want to sow the seed
De la poca fe y de la desesperanza
Of little faith and despair
Injertar tu odio y dañar la confianza
To graft your hatred and damage trust
En el hartísimo, pero Dios tiene un plan
In the very difficult, but God has a plan
Baquanisimo y no desampara a sus hijo que son buenísimo
Wonderful and does not abandon his children who are very good
Que no se doblan
That they do not bend
Que mejor oran
That they pray better
Que no baseblian y menos cuando lloran.
That they do not play baseball and even less when they cry.
He que mi Dios me aprieta pero no me ahorca
So my God squeezes me but does not hang me
Me mantiene firme y no me desenfoca
He keeps me firm and does not make me lose focus
Yo toy de pie por su santo espíritu
I stand by his holy spirit
Y por mi Jesús que murió en la cruz.
And for my Jesus who died on the cross.
He que mi Dios me aprieta pero no me ahorca
So my God squeezes me but does not hang me
Me mantiene firme y no me desenfoca
He keeps me firm and does not make me lose focus
Yo toy de pie por su santo espíritu
I stand by his holy spirit
Y por mi Jesús que murió en la cruz.
And for my Jesus who died on the cross.
Fatulo's Musick
Fatulo's Musick
El Abusador
The Abuser
Ja Ja
Cuando Me Muera Se Ban A Buca
They will look for you when I die
Lapiz Conciente
Lapiz Conciente
Una Vaina Dura
A hard thing
Una Vaina Dura
A hard thing
Eto' He Una Vaina Dura
This is a hard thing

Авторы: Figueroa Rodriguez Avelino Junior

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