Because of the problems he has, he feels frustrated
Mira su hija y se le rompe el corazòn
He looks at his daughter and his heart breaks
Porque su padre no es ejemplo y vive de lo atraco.
Because her father is not an example and lives off robbery.
6: 45 hay un critiano de rodilla
6:45 there is a Christian on his knees
Orando, Clamando que su país puede cambiar
Praying, crying out that his country can change
Coje su biblia y un paquete de tratado
He takes his bible and a packet of tracts
Lleno de la presencia de Dios sale a predicar.
Filled with the presence of God, he goes out to preach.
7: 15 Manuel sale de su casa
7:15 Manuel leaves his house
Cansao pero contento porque hoy es dia de cobro.
Tired but happy because today is payday.
Se le hizo tarde y el no quiere que lo voten,
He's late and he doesn't want them to fire him,
Por eso con esfuerzo pagó 50 en motoconcho.
That's why he paid 50 for a motorcycle taxi with effort.
7: 15 Chimpa se fumo un tabaco,
7:15 Chimpa smoked a cigarette,
Se engancha una pitola y se monta en el "tete".
He grabs a gun and gets on the "tete".
Dipueto a lo que sea porque lo que el e cualto
Ready for whatever because what he wants is money
Con un peine de 30 se siente escarfe.
With a 30-round magazine he feels powerful.
7: 15 el baron siente un espiritú de muerte,
7:15 the baron feels a spirit of death,
Cubra su familia con la sangre del cordero
Cover your family with the blood of the lamb
Sigase adelante, en cautela, sin miedo
Go forward, cautiously, without fear
Trayendo a la tierra el Reino de los cielos.
Bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.
7: 35 Manuel va caminando a paso apresurao
7:35 Manuel is walking in a hurry
A par de quadra del trabajo,
A couple of blocks from work,
Se le acerca el baròn, y le pasa un tratado
The baron approaches him and hands him a tract
Y ahi mismo Manuel siente al Espiritu Santo.
And right there Manuel feels the Holy Spirit.
7: 35 Chimpa ubica sus victimas,
7:35 Chimpa locates his victims,
Pero algo le dice,
But something tells him,
Que siga de largo no le hizo caso a la voz del interior
To keep going, he didn't listen to the inner voice
Y la historia continua despue del coro en la cancion.
And the story continues after the chorus in the song.
//Nadie sabe ni el día ni la hora
//No one knows the day or the hour
Tu tiempo es ahora
Your time is now
Cristo esta a la puerta,
Christ is at the door,
Ven aceptalo ahora
Come accept him now
No deje pa mañana lo que puede hace ahora//
Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do now//
7: 40 El Baròn ora por Manuel,
7:40 The Baron prays for Manuel,
Manuel siente la presencia y de rodilla cae en llanto,
Manuel feels the presence and falls to his knees crying,
Acepto al Señor, mediante la confesion,
He accepted the Lord, through confession,
Y la felicidad abrazó su corazòn.
And happiness embraced his heart.
7: 40 Chimpa saca su cañon,
7:40 Chimpa takes out his gun,
Encañona al baròn y a Manuel en un callejòn,
He points it at the baron and Manuel in an alley,
Le dice, pase la cartera y ute baje esa biblia,
He says, hand over the wallet and you put down that bible,
Y cuando le va a dipara la pitola se encaquilla.
And when he's about to shoot, the gun jams.
7: 40 Manuel ta boca abajo, pensando en sus hijos apunto de perde el trabajo,
7:40 Manuel is face down, thinking about his children, about to lose his job,
Hace una oracion, y le dice al Señor
He makes a prayer, and says to the Lord
Que si lo saca de eta hasta me voy a mete a pastor.
That if he gets him out of this, he'll even become a pastor.
El baròn se para y mira a Chimpa frente a frente, le dice
The baron stands up and looks Chimpa face to face, he says
Yo era igual que tu pero Dios cambio mi mente, tu hija se llama Sindy y depende de ti,
I was just like you but God changed my mind, your daughter's name is Sindy and she depends on you,
Asi que baja la pitola gritò el ma que suficiente.
So put down the gun, shouted the man, that's enough.
Chimpa se sorprende de la palabra del baròn,
Chimpa is surprised by the baron's words,
Se acuerda de su hija y se le ablanda el corazòn, pero depue se acuerda que no tiene ni uno, y le apunta al pecho y le dipara al corazòn.
He remembers his daughter and his heart softens, but then he remembers he doesn't have a penny, and he points it at his chest and shoots him in the heart.
Sale corriendo y se olvida de Manuel, coje las carteras y se monta en el tete,
He runs away and forgets about Manuel, grabs the wallets and gets on the tete,
Siente que alguien lo persigue, pero adelante sigue
He feels someone chasing him, but he keeps going forward
Y se va alejando de la escena del crimen.
And he gets further away from the crime scene.
7: 45 Manuel llega a su trabajo, justo a tiempo
7:45 Manuel arrives at work, just in time
Y corriendo se mete en el baño,
And runs into the bathroom,
Le agradece a Dios por salvar su vida,
He thanks God for saving his life,
Y el baròn antes de morir le regalò su biblia.
And the baron, before he died, gave him his bible.
Chimpa llega a su casa y revisa las carteras, coje el dinero y se encuentra
Chimpa arrives home and checks the wallets, takes the money and finds
Con una sorpresa
A surprise
Era una foto del cuando tenia un año y medio,
It was a photo of him when he was a year and a half old,
Se siente confundido por lo que esta sucediendo
He feels confused by what's happening
Sigue revisando con un nudo en la garganta
He keeps checking with a lump in his throat
Y en el ziper de la cartera, se encuentra con una carta, esta un poco vieja
And in the wallet's zipper, he finds a letter, it's a bit old
Chimpa se desepera y cuando abre la carta
Chimpa gets desperate and when he opens the letter
Decia de esta manera.
It said like this.
Mi querido hijo, quisiera contarte que hoy, hace 30 años de la ultima vez que te vi, y no sabes cuanta falta me haces, hace 10 años JesuCristo vino a mi vida, y hoy soy un hombre diferente, y me he arrepentido, de los errores que cometí en el pasado, como fue dejarte a ti, no se donde estas,
My dear son, I would like to tell you that today, it's been 30 years since the last time I saw you, and you don't know how much I miss you, 10 years ago Jesus Christ came into my life, and today I am a different man, and I have repented of the mistakes I made in the past, like leaving you, I don't know where you are,
Pero cada dia sueño y oro con nuestro encuentro, se que no podre repomer los años que se perdieron, pero si te prometo darte lo mejor de mi, el dia en que te vea.
But every day I dream and pray for our reunion, I know I won't be able to make up for the lost years, but I promise to give you the best of me, the day I see you.
Se que Dios tiene un proposito contigo, y el tesorò que hoy yo tengo, serà mi herencia para ti hijo mio
I know God has a purpose for you, and the treasure I have today will be my inheritance for you, my son.
Te amo y oro que donde quiera que estes, que el Señor toque tu vida, Dios te bendiga, de tu papa
I love you and I pray that wherever you are, the Lord will touch your life, God bless you, from your dad
El que nunca conociste.
The one you never met.
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