Esta cancion con aire sentimental que fue inpirada por Dios Nuestro craedor Para expresarte a ti muñeca de mi alma cuanto te amo yo mi bien mi sol.
This song, with a sentimental air, was inspired by God our creator, to express to you, my darling, how much I love you, my sunshine.
Porque si Dios se insipiro para crear todas las cosas lindas que tengo hoy
Because if God was inspired to create all the beautiful things I have today,
Y es que no doy versos en su voluntad ejemplo mi cancion de amor, mi amor
Then I must not be wrong to write verses in his will, for example, my love song, my love
Porque morenita llegaste al final cuando recogiendo mis pasos yo voy,
Because my brown-skinned love, you came to me at the end when I was retracing my steps,
Tu no eres una en mil canciones pedazos de amores deshojaste mi juventud, quiziera en un cofre guardarte y sellar y en las mansasa aguas de mi manantial,
You are not just one of a thousand songs, fragments of love that tore apart my youth. I would like to lock you away in a chest and seal it, and in the gentle waters of my spring,
Aumentame ese tesoro que dios me a enviado para mi vida realizar.
Increase this treasure that God has sent me to fulfill my life.
Canto a la vida, canto a mis sueños, canto a mi señor a nuestro Dios al que me enseño a cantar
I sing to life, I sing to my dreams, I sing to my Lord, to our God who taught me to sing
Canta a la vida, canta a tus sueños, canta a tu Señor a nuestro Dios al que te insipira cantar.
Sing to life, sing to your dreams, sing to your Lord, to our God who inspires you to sing.
Janeth mi inspiracion
Janeth, my inspiration
Prisila y Cindi Paola Amaris
Prisila and Cindi Paola Amaris
Sera tu forma de besar que me insita o es tu calor que enreda mis desiciones, son tus manos de mujer que me acarician y me hacen padecer morir vivir.
Is it the way you kiss that entices me, or is it your warmth that entangles my decisions? It is your womanly hands that caress me and make me suffer, die, and live.
Me siento el hombre mas dichoso del mundo y Dios me da todo lo que necesito,
I feel like the luckiest man in the world, and God gives me everything I need,
El presentia nuestras ansisas de amarnos y me envio por ti y a ti por mi.
He knows our desire to love each other, and he sent me to you and you to me.
Señor como hago no se que pensar si tu me quitas la vida y me la das, ya ahogue todas las pasiones de aquellos amores como el que ella me ha de birndar.
Lord, what should I do? I don't know what to think if you take my life and then give it back to me. I have drowned all the passions of those other loves, like the one she has given me.
Por ti quiero irradiar mi felicidad, gritar por las calles toda tu bondad, decirle a mi madre pintora que este ...
For you, I want to radiate my happiness, shout your kindness through the streets, tell my painter mother that this ...
Llora porque Dios en su Vida esta.
Cries because God is in her life.
Canto a la vida, Canto a mis sueños, canto a mi Señor a nuestro dios al que me enseño a Tocar
I sing to life, I sing to my dreams, I sing to my Lord, to our God who taught me to play
Cnta a la vida, Canta a tus sueños, canta a tu Señor a nuestro Dios al que te insipira cantar
Sing to life, sing to your dreams, sing to your Lord, to our God who inspires you to sing
Canto a la vida, canto a mis sueños, canto a mi Señor a nuestro Dios
I sing to life, I sing to my dreams, I sing to my Lord, to our God.
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