Entre tú y yo, a puertas cerradas el mundo se acaba y todo es amor.
Between you and me, behind closed doors, the world ends and all is love.
Entre tú y yo, perdemos conciencia las horas no cuentan entre tú y yo, oh oh oh.
Between you and me, we lose consciousness, the hours don't count between you and me, oh oh oh.
Entre tú y yo, oh piel de mantes, amor delirante nos gusta soñar.
Between you and me, oh mink skin, delirious love, we like to dream.
Entre tú y yo secreto a secreto y beso entre beso sabemos amar.
Between you and me, secret by secret and kiss by kiss, we know how to love.
Entre tú y yo, no hay barreras ni prejuicios.
Between you and me, there are no barriers or prejudices.
Entre tú y yo, amar se convirtió en un vicio.
Between you and me, loving has become an addiction.
Entre tú y yo, entre tú y yo, el juego se inicia entre suaves caricias.
Between you and me, between you and me, the game begins with gentle caresses.
Entre tú y yo, entre tú y yo, amor desmedido de juegos prohibidos entre tú y yo, uhhh.
Between you and me, between you and me, excessive love of forbidden games between you and me, uhhh.
Entre tú y yo el mismo lenguaje nos sobra coraje ser tal para cual, entre tú y yo, oh piel de mantes amor delirante nos gusta soñar.
Between you and me, the same language, we have plenty of courage to be made for each other, between you and me, oh mink skin, delirious love, we like to dream.
Entre tú y yo, no hay barreras ni prejuicios.
Between you and me, there are no barriers or prejudices.
Entre tú y yo, amar se convirtió en un vicio.
Between you and me, loving has become an addiction.
Entre tú y yo, entre tú y yo, el juego se inicia entre suaves caricias.
Between you and me, between you and me, the game begins with gentle caresses.
Entre tú y yo, entre tú y yo, amor desmedido de juegos prohibidos entre tú y yo, uhhh.
Between you and me, between you and me, excessive love of forbidden games between you and me, uhhh.
Entre tú y yo, entre tú y yo, el juego se inicia entre suaves caricias.
Between you and me, between you and me, the game begins with gentle caresses.
Entre tú y yo, entre tú y yo, amor desmedido de juegos prohibidos entre tú y yo, Entre tú y yo, entre tú y yo.
Between you and me, between you and me, excessive love of forbidden games between you and me, between you and me, between you and me.
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