Lauren Nine - Voodoo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lauren Nine - Voodoo

Presentimientos algo escondido esta dentro de mí,
Foreboding something hidden is inside of me,
Me hace sufrir sin motivo
It makes me suffer for no reason
Sabe como elegir juego de artes que
Knows how to choose arts game that
Desconozco alguien controla mi camino lleno de escombros
I don't know someone controls my road full of debris
Pilares erguidos fundamento de mi ser
Upright pillars foundation of my being
Se avalanchan en mi espalda no puedo permanecer de pie
They avalanche on my back I can't stay standing
Gravedad inexistente mas su peso no es
Gravity is non-existent but its weight is not
Ficticio me arrastro llegando al limbo
Fictitious I crawl reaching limbo
No estoy en tu realidad
I'm not in your reality
Si mi verdad no queda en nada más que relatividad
If my truth lies in nothing but relativity
¿Quién maneja mis hilos?
Who's pulling my strings?
Soy un títere más quizás ataduras a mi espina dorsal
I'm a puppet plus maybe ties to my spine
Amanecí distinta y no puedo ver quien soy yo
I woke up different and I can't see who I am
No reconozco ni mi nombre y desconozco mi don
I don't even recognize my name and I don't know my gift
No puedo irme a dormir cuando recién me saluda
I can't go to sleep when he just greets me
La luna emerge bella y brillante como la piel de un puma, ella
La luna emerge bella y brillante como la piel de un puma, ella
She got me rolling for the sins you don't know yeah
She got me rolling for the sins you don't know yeah
She knows how I want it, she knows my moves and my tongue
She knows how I want it, she knows my moves and my tongue
She got me rolling for the sins you don't know yeah
She got me rolling for the sins you don't know yeah
She knows how I want it, she knows my moves and my tongue
She knows how I want it, she knows my moves and my tongue
Ahh There's no religion that can save you
Ahh There's no religion that can save you
From what you've tried with my freedom yeah
From what you've tried with my freedom yeah
Ahh There's no religion that can save you
Ahh There's no religion that can save you
From what you've tried with my freedom yeah
From what you've tried with my freedom yeah
Diles que estoy suelta, diles que controlan
Tell them I'm loose, tell them they control
Diles que no se suiciden y contemplen nuestra hora
Tell them not to commit suicide and watch our hour
Diles, diles que no me pueden contener
Tell them, tell them they can't contain me
Que no voy a morir dos veces con el mismo puñal
That I'm not going to die twice with the same dagger
Hambrienta amansa la bestia desde mis días en la cuna
Hungry the beast has been taming since my days in the cradle
Ella me dijo que tenia un futuro lleno de angustia uhuhuh
She told me that I had a future full of anguish uhuhuh
Pasado oscuro que no conoces de mi ser
Dark past that you don't know about my being
Observando desde donde no alcanza tu vista
Watching from where your sight can't reach
Y no debes no
And you must not-
No sigas mi camino
Don't follow my path
Entran ataques de pánico y taquicardias
Panic attacks and tachycardias enter
En este paraíso infernal con vino y pan y
In this hellish paradise with wine and bread and
Un amante fiel entre cientos de copia y pega
A faithful lover among hundreds of copy and paste
Jugas con cada latido, cada latido de mi corazón
You play with every beat, every beat of my heart
Quieres dominar mi naturaleza pero dime
You want to dominate my nature but tell me
¿Quién crees eres tu para hacer eso?
Who do you think you are to do that?
She got me rolling for the sins you don't know yeah
She got me rolling for the sins you don't know yeah
She knows how I want it, she knows my moves and my tongue
She knows how I want it, she knows my moves and my tongue
Knock knock knock knock pican en la puerta y me preguntan si eres tú,
Knock knock knock knock they knock on the door and ask me if it's you,
La que quiere hablar de algo de
The one who wants to talk about something of
Temas pendientes con mi gente o quizás
Pending issues with my people or maybe
Practicar voodoo
Practicing voodoo

Авторы: Laura Roig

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