Come on, come on, come on, come on, go where the prisoner is
Sebelum jadi tumpuan jangan pangilkan bantuan
Before you become the focus, don't call for help
Detektif lawa mula detek gerak geri nanti sudah selesai harap tiada susah hati
The beautiful detective begins to detect movement. Later, when it's over, I hope there will be no worries
Berhenti aku kesan pergerakkan mana tuan
Stop, I'm tracking the movement where, sir
Dari tadi rama dan saya asyik perhatikan
Rama and I have been watching you since a while ago
Dari sebuah bangunan cek satu satu blok saya nampak suspek weh tolong stop!!!!
From a building, check block by block, I see the suspect. Hey, stop!!!!
Alamak! dah terserempak apa lagi caw
Oh no! We've bumped into each other. What's next, sir?
Aku dah ckap ini semuanya salah kau cuba ikut idea aku tak akan jadi mcm ni dah tak cukup tanah dah ni kita nk lari skarang fikir apa jalan yg kita ada kalau jauh pun aku rasa memang takda masa mcm ni aku ada makcik tinggal area sini minta tolong kita tumpang duduk
34 hari
I've told you this is all your fault. If you had followed my idea, this wouldn't have happened. There's not enough time left. We need to run now. Think about what options we have. If we go far, I don't think we'll have enough time. I have an aunt who lives around here. Let's ask her if we can stay for
3 or
4 days
Alamak!! mereka hilang lagi tak akan sampai esok kita dua kena cari, sarjan tolong guna otak kau sikit itukan nampak suspek itu kenapa pergi jerit? (sorry)
Oh no!! They've disappeared again. We have to find them before tomorrow. Sergeant, please use your brain for a bit. You saw the suspect, so why did you just shout? (Sorry)
Diorang dah lari mcm mana nk cari kan susah
They've already run away. It'll be hard to find them
Roger anggota lain kan boleh jadi mudah apa kata cuba periksa setiap rumah kepung dpan dgan belakang sampai mereka menyerah
Roger that. The other officers can make it easier. How about checking every house, surrounding the front and back, until they surrender?
Tolong! tolong! ada perompak dia jerit pulak rancangan kita rosak, rancangan? kau ni pun satu inikan makcik aku apasalahnya kalau kita masuk ja ikut pintu, oh iyalah sorry aku tak ingat aku lupa tak payah masuk rumah kita buat plan no dua sorok dkat tangga aku rasa lagi selamat cun aku dah penat mcm lari jauh sangat
Help! Help! There's a robber. He shouted, and our plan is ruined. A plan? You're another one. This is my aunt's house. What's wrong with just going in through the door? Oh, yeah. Sorry, I didn't think of that. I forgot. We don't have to go into the house. We'll make plan B. Let's hide on the stairs. I think it's safer. Honey, I'm so tired. It feels like we've run a long way
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