Lawalah Familia - Ramai Lagi Lawa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lawalah Familia - Ramai Lagi Lawa

Ramai Lagi Lawa
Crowded Again, Beautiful
Hei dengar dengar hantu nak berucap
Hey listen, listen, the ghost wants to speak
Mintak perhatian mintak semua senyap
Asks for attention, asks for everyone to be quiet
Buka cerita panas buat korang mintak kipas
Opens a hot story, makes you ask for a fan
Aku takda batas suka guna ayat pedas
I have no boundaries, I like to use spicy words
Flow aku seram lidah tajam bak laksamana
My flow is creepy, my tongue is sharp as an admiral
Double LF kami macam satu keluarga
Double LF we are like one family
Tembuk kami kukuh sebab ada si pemusnah
Our punches are strong because we have the destroyer
Perkenalkan diri aku hantu jari tengah
Introduce myself, I am a middle finger ghost
Aku punya kuasa bagi binasa bunuh bahasa juga berbisa
I have the power to destroy, kill language, also capable
Macam raksasa jaguh perkasa bolot semua mereka terasa
Like a monster, a mighty champion, take it all, they feel it
Mula tertanya siapa nama asal mana luar istana
They start to wonder who, what name, where from, outside the palace
Orang biasa yang punya banyak cerita
Ordinary people who have many stories
Aku psycho tiada harga
I'm psycho, no price
Ibarat iblis datang dari syuga
Like the devil comes from heaven
Aku cuba chill yang lain kena rasuk
I try to chill, others get possessed
Baran aku membara Halim Redwood sila masuk
My anger burns, Halim Redwood please come in
Redwood ada kat sini B four teen kekal lagi
Redwood is here, B four teen stays again
Next stage aku pula nak beraksi
Next stage I also want to act
Transfix pusat legasi Hip-hop's the witness
Transfix, the center of the legacy, Hip-hop's the witness
Lawalah Familia bukan nak kejarkan famous
Lawalah Familia don't want to chase fame
NG We Got Talent tak perlu Triple X
NG We Got Talent don't need Triple X
Kami dah menang dalam ini track
We already won in this track
Check check mic test one two three
Check check mic test one two three
Inilah saja cara aku sendiri
This is the only way of my own
Kita enam watak yang mana nak diseru
We six characters which one to summon
Kami like the Panglima cari harta pemburu
We like the Panglima looking for treasure hunters
Baru langkah sebaris cerita tak bertapis
Just one step in line, the story is unfiltered
Kau terus berlari lari ku tetap laris
You keep running, running, I'm still selling
Rap tebal tebal ayat power takda tuju
Thick rap, thick words, no aim, power
Rhyme jadi pertahanan standby kan peluru
Rhyme becomes defense, standby bullets
Aku macam Eli butakan perjalanan
I am like Eli, blinding the journey
Muyu celik pandangan Al Abbas sambung utusan
Muyu clear vision Al Abbas continues the message
Tuan Al Abbas tiada dalam penglihatan
Master Al Abbas is not in sight
Yeah bro gua bawah jambatan tengah buat sambutan
Yeah bro, I'm under the bridge having a celebration
Gua jahat pakai tanduk kambing belah kiri
I'm evil, wearing a goat horn on the left
Kencing dekat dinding sebab nak mulakan ceremony
Peeing on the wall because I want to start the ceremony
Agak korang dah fikir aku layan metal
Maybe you guys think I'm into metal
Aku handle stereotyper ikat korang dengan cable
I handle stereotypes tie you guys up with cables
Dah settle aku cucuk mata korang pakai pensel
After settling, I poke your eyes with pencils
Biar korang jatuh pijak korang macam tekan paddle
Let you guys fall, step on you like pressing a paddle
Gua layan prono sambil bawak begpack keliling
I'm into prono while carrying a backpack around
Paling benci GRO tapi gua rap outstanding
I hate GRO the most but my rap is outstanding
Lagu sekarang mengarut boleh buat semua turn up
The current song is influential, it can make everyone turn up
Lagu kami ubat buat Stephen Hawking bercakap
Our song is medicine to make Stephen Hawking speak
Korang tak layak taknak hip-hop rabak
You guys are not worthy, don't want ripped hip-hop
Jangan ajdi pencemar cam Zed Zaidi cuba melawak
Don't be a polluter like Zed Zaidi trying to be funny
Ini tak lawak ada bahan simpan diam sendiri
This is not funny, there is material, keep quiet yourself
Wey Madi nak pi mana ang mai lah sini
Hey Madi where do you want to go, come here
Satu sandiwara bermacam macam gaya
A play with various styles
Talam dua muka muka si pendusta
Two-faced, the liar's face
Ada tiga kepala lutut yang diguna
There are three puppet heads used
Walau empat mata tak kenal nombor lima
Even with four eyes, you don't know number five
Enam tembak rambang entah hinggap mana
Six stray shots, who knows where they land
Tujuh telunjuk picu isi lapan anak
Seven index fingers trigger, filled with eight children
Bro lu dah lupa gua ada sembilan nyawa
Bro, you forgot I have nine lives
Fikir sepuluh kali sebelum lu hadap gua
Think ten times before you face me
Jika satu satu kita salam salam
If we greet each other one by one
Dalam gelap tepat dua belas kau pasti padam
In the dark, exactly at twelve, you will surely be extinguished
Tiga belas hantu penunggu ini lagu
Thirteen ghosts guarding this song
Takut kena rasuk baik pagar semua pintu
Afraid of being possessed, it's better to fence all the doors
Ana cerdik macam Ali ente bodoh macam Kassim
Ana is smart like Ali, you are stupid like Kassim
Kerat empat belas lima belas cm
Cut fourteen fifteen cm
Niat enson matakaji semar ngiseng
The intention of enson matakaji semar ngiseng
Enam belas baris korang ludah aku kencing
Sixteen lines, you spit, I pee
Lawa kami kini dah kembali
Our beauty has now returned
Jadi ulang sekali lagi
So repeat once again
Markas kota ramai terpesona
The city's headquarters, many are fascinated
Rabak tapi kami sempurna
Torn apart but we are perfect
Lawa kami kini dah kembali
Our beauty has now returned
Jadi ulang sekali lagi
So repeat once again
Markas kota ramai terpesona
The city's headquarters, many are fascinated
Rabak tapi kami sempurna
Torn apart but we are perfect
Siap siap buat lirik tidak perlu metafora
Get ready to make lyrics without the need for metaphors
Penyerang paling bahaya bahaya macam buaya
The most dangerous attacker, dangerous like a crocodile
Aku glow in the dark akulah cahaya baby
I glow in the dark, I am the light, baby
LawaLahFamilia kami reload sekali lagi
LawaLahFamilia we reload once again
Interaktif ada motif kuasa super saiya teraktif
Interactive, there is a super saiyan motif, super active
Macam tulis ayat kursif tapi aku ada subjektif
Like writing cursive but I have subjective
Mana sudah pergi lawan? yang dulu kononnya kawan
Where has the opponent gone? who used to be a friend
Sudah hilang dari pandangan sebab bukan musim mengawan
Already out of sight because it's not mating season
Macam yang aku cakap Tebobon ada swag
As I said, Tebobon got swag
Kalau tidak cukup alibi mari sini datang check
If there's not enough alibi, come here and check
Tapi kali ini lain aku dengan Lawa nie geng
But this time it's different, Lawa and I are a gang
Siapa cuba pijak kami kasi Gang Bang
Whoever tries to step on us, give them a Gang Bang
Flow aerodynamic sentuhan ibarat magic
Aerodynamic flow, a touch like magic
Masih dalam dunia mistik tapi quack macam itik
Still in a mystical world, but quack like a duck
Light saber macam Star Wars panggil kami Jedi
Light saber like Star Wars, call us Jedi
Yo Kinobi nombor satu Muariffah tolong bantai
Yo Kinobi number one, Muariffah help kill
Aku bukan cendikiawan cuma mental engak dikawal
I'm not an intellectual, just a mentally uncontrolled
Mahu lawan mulut dengan konon budak konvo
Want to fight mouth with so-called convo kids
Balik sekolah lama tambah perisai di badan
Back to old school add armor to the body
Kalau kebal macam kereta panggil aku Volvo
If you are as strong as a car, call me Volvo
Mahu kritik tapi tengok engkau tak kemana
Want to criticize but look at you going nowhere
Nak sembang panjang panjang forum Hal Ehwal Perdana
Want to talk at length, Prime Minister's Affairs Forum
Ini bukan tempat untuk orang komsas
This is not a place for comm students
Jadi jangan waras takut ramai waswas
So don't preach, afraid of many whispers
Straight talk mungkin metafora saya agak crack
Straight talk maybe my metaphor is a bit crack
Saya tak buka kamus confirm takkan four flat
I don't open the dictionary, definitely won't get four flat
For that siang malam aku cari spekulasi
For that, day and night I look for speculation
Engkau buat konspirasi aku tambah kompilasi
You make a conspiracy, I add a compilation
Bukan kapten ataupun penolong
Not a captain or assistant
Aku masih hip-hop walau dengar keroncong
I'm still hip-hop even though I listen to keroncong
Walau kurang info maaf tak dapat bantu
Even if there is less info, sorry I can't help
Boleh tanya Encik Fahmie tolong check one two rah!
Can ask Mr. Fahmie to help check one two rah!
Macam main wordplay kia susun kata
Like playing wordplay, how to arrange words
Macam orang bercinta kita main mata
Like people in love, we play eye games
Kita susun kata macam kita susun langkah
We arrange words like we arrange steps
Siapa berani halang? semua kita pangkah
Who dares to block? we conquer all
Gerakan kamasutra aku masih on top
My kamasutra moves are still on top
Di dalam kelas darjah aku paling tip top
In the classroom, my class is tip top
Lirik ku acuan jejak ku tinggal bekas
My lyrics are molds, my footsteps leave marks
Ludahku macam cili siapa kena rasa pedas
My spit is like chili, whoever gets it tastes spicy
Si si silat lontar kata kekuda macam kuda
Si si silat throws words, horse stance like a horse
Jika di lautan aku kapten nakhoda
If at sea, I am the captain
Aku keras dan pedas tapi masih berkias
I am hard and spicy but still sarcastic
Aku jangan dicabar jangan kau cari nahas
Don't challenge me, don't look for disaster
Kayuhku tak berhenti lirikku tidak mati
My pedaling doesn't stop, my lyrics don't die
Anganku terbang tinggi itu sudah pasti
My thoughts fly high, that's for sure
Siapa tikam belakangku jadikan cabaran
Whoever stabs me in the back, make it a challenge
Aku paling bersinar dalam jutaan berlian
I shine the brightest in millions of others
Lawa kami kini dah kembali
Our beauty has now returned
Jadi ulang sekali lagi
So repeat once again
Markas kota ramai terpesona
The city's headquarters, many are fascinated
Rabak tapi kami sempurna
Torn apart but we are perfect
Lawa kami kini dah kembali
Our beauty has now returned
Jadi ulang sekali lagi
So repeat once again
Markas kota ramai terpesona
The city's headquarters, many are fascinated
Rabak tapi kami sempurna
Torn apart but we are perfect

Авторы: Mady Bee, Fahmie Freakmie, Jamil Hantu, Halim Redwood, . Benzooloo, Al Abas, Muariffah, Faris Fariza

Lawalah Familia - Ramai Lagi Lawa
Ramai Lagi Lawa
дата релиза

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