Lawalah Familia - Sesat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lawalah Familia - Sesat

Lawalah Familia
Lawalah Familia
Dulu jadi budak dungu
Used to be a stupid kid
Masa jadi lupa diri
Time makes you forget yourself
Muka manis makan semut
Sweet face eats ants
Kena puji hidung tinggi
Praised, nose held high
As usual
Budak muda baru kenal dunia
Young boy just getting to know the world
Bila dah rasa sedap terus lupa kurnia
When you feel good, you immediately forget the blessings
Lupa semuanya
Forget everything
Dah sedap baru nak menyesal
Already enjoying it, now you regret it
Lihat bodoh sendiri
See your own stupidity
Padahal dah tinggal pesan
Even though a message has been left
Tugas brothers berkesan bila aku dikejutkan
The task of the brothers is impressive when I am awakened
Kan tak guna itu sikap sifat buat simpan
It's useless to keep that attitude and trait
Kan dah terang lagi nak disuluh
It's already bright, still need a light?
Diri sendiri yang cari pasal siapa suruh?
You're the one looking for trouble, who told you to?
Jalan terus terang jangan terus serang
Go straight ahead, don't attack directly
Tak tanya boleh sesat dalam medan perang
Without asking, you can get lost in the battlefield
Banyak simpang sembang selalu beringat
Many crossroads, always remember
Adab tertib itu jaga jangan salah guna cara
Keep your manners and order, don't misuse the method
Jadi hormat, buat jangan acah kuat
Be respectful, do it, don't act tough
Pandang depan jangan pandang umur untuk buat
Look ahead, don't look at age to do it
Sudah jauh jalan tapi masih sesat
Already a long way, but still lost
Uh! Jumpa jalan mati keluar kata sesat
Uh! Dead end, you say you're lost
Uh! Peluh membangun sesat
Uh! Building up sweat, lost
Berat langkah dah tenat
Heavy steps, already critical
Yo! Yellow tolong Connect Bruhh!!!
Yo! Yellow, help connect, Bruhh!!!
KC dah penat
KC is tired
Rancangan kehidupan penuh liku macam ′maze'
The plan of life is full of twists and turns like a 'maze'
Cari jalan pintas so ku cepat bukak ′Waze'
Looking for a shortcut so I quickly open 'Waze'
Turn my GPS On but gua pun sesat dan
Turn my GPS On but I'm also lost and
Mama bilang biar lambat asal selamat sampai son
Mama said it's better to be late than sorry, son
Jaga-jaga depan jalan bercabang so
Be careful, the road ahead is branching, so
Jaga-jaga maybe depan banyak lubang yo
Be careful, maybe there are many holes in front, yo
Jaga-jaga takut banyak kera sumbang
Be careful, afraid of many donation cars
Jangan tumbang Yellow dunia
Don't fall, Yellow world
Memang banyak kaki sembang
Indeed many boastful legs
Dont' bimbang KC please bersabar
Don't worry, KC, please be patient
Dalam radar hidup lu pasti tak tersasar
In the radar of your life, you will definitely not go astray
Berani ke mari maruah tercabar
Dare to come here, your honor is challenged
Tak reti berhenti mahu pun bercalar
Don't know how to stop or get scratched
Berlari mencari walaupun terlantar
Running to find even if bedridden
Kurangkan berapi mahu pon terkasar
Reduce being fiery even if rough
Lu dah sesat jalan
You're lost
Mana mau pergi
Where do you want to go
Mana mau pergi
Where do you want to go
Lu dah sesat kawan
You're lost, friend
Apa yang lu cari
What are you looking for
Apa yang lu cari
What are you looking for
Lu dah sesat jalan
You're lost
Mana mau pergi
Where do you want to go
Mana mau pergi
Where do you want to go
Lu dah sesat kawan
You're lost, friend
Apa yang lu cari
What are you looking for
Apa yang lu cari
What are you looking for
Tangkap mereka yang terperangkap
Catch those who are trapped
Di balik tingkap tak boleh singkap
Behind a window that can't be opened
Baling batu sempat tangkap
Throwing stones, managed to catch
Sembunyi tangan dapat dakap
Hide your hand, can be grasped
Tak terungkal walau mampu bercakap
Not overturned even though you can talk
Sorok dalaam hijab buat bising dalam senyap
Scream in hijab, make noise in silence
Lengkap cukup hisap ilmu hisab
Complete enough to calculate the science of arithmetic
Nak ikut kitab kita belum hadap
To follow the book, we haven't faced it yet
Bayang tadi dalam terang nampa tadi dalam gelap
The shadow that appeared in the light, appeared in the dark
Laaaa... Betoi laa
Laaaa... That's right
Lu silap mata hati memerhati kerap
You're wrong, my heart often observes
Kali ditunding jari telunjuk lari
The time pointed finger runs away
Hamba alami alam ini hamba melodi
I experience this world, I am a melody
Arah tujuan tujuh langkah kaki dalam
Direction of purpose, seven steps in
Tiga lebar senyum sampai pipi
Three wide smiles to the cheeks
Parodi penuh komedi yang tak jadi
A parody full of comedy that failed
Dunia sendiri jadi saksi aku aksi
My own world is my witness to my actions
Paksi luar dunia menyaksi
The axis of the outer world is witnessing
Cali tetak kunanga sidaknya lari
Cali, cut the kunanga, its branches run away
Berik muka sik suka
Give a face, don't like it
Kelak ku molah lagik bagi game tapi lame
Later I'll make another game but a long time
Paloi sik reri main
Paloi doesn't want to play
Nyukat pada baju bukan nya tepi kain
Measure the clothes, not the edge of the fabric
Lain di suruh, lain yg disuluh
Other things are asked, other things are highlighted
Nyala dgn cergas?
Burning brightly?
Ayat lu lesu loh
Your verse is sluggish, loh
Lets do dowh
Lets do dowh
Iboy takut bila kenak sembur
Iboy is afraid of being scolded
Mulut kedak HIV nang sik dapat disembuh
Kedak's mouth has HIV that can't be cured
Eran bila sidak carik penyakit
Surprised when someone is looking for a disease
Kalau ada bran rasa aku punya kick
If you have the guts, taste my kick
Punya dick aku main kau kedak pussy
With my dick, I'll play with your pussy
Lidah tajam ya tanda celah gusi
Sharp tongue is a sign of a gap in the gums
Tolong hormat bila kami tabik
Please respect when we salute
Bukan takut tapi aman lagi baik
Not afraid, but peace is better
Silap kata boleh tergagap
A mistake can make you stutter
Awas! Perangkap lu dah tertangkap
Watch out! You're trapped
Lu dah sesat jalan
You're lost
Mana mau pergi
Where do you want to go
Mana mau pergi
Where do you want to go
Lu dah sesat kawan
You're lost, friend
Apa yang lu cari
What are you looking for
Apa yang lu cari
What are you looking for
Lu dah sesat jalan
You're lost
Mana mau pergi
Where do you want to go
Mana mau pergi
Where do you want to go
Lu dah sesat kawan
You're lost, friend
Apa yang lu cari
What are you looking for
Apa yang lu cari
What are you looking for

Авторы: Sabbala, Mady Bee, Jay Muhammad, Kc, Daney On The Beat, Chief Qif

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