Lax'n'Busto - Deia (El pagès 2) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lax'n'Busto - Deia (El pagès 2)

Deia (El pagès 2)
Deia (The Peasant 2)
En Tomàs era un bon home, pobre, però tenia un lloc,
Thomas was a good man, poor, but he had a place,
Una casa abandonada, ningú en volia saber res
An abandoned house, no one wanted to know anything
En Rafel un mal polític del poble es va aprofitar
Rafael, an evil politician from the town, took advantage
Ell pensava que els negocis i el plaer es poden barrejar
He thought that business and pleasure could be mixed
I en Tomàs deia, deia, que el mes gran dels privilegis era viure en
And Thomas said, said, that the greatest of privileges was to live in
I en Rafel deia, deia, que això dura quatre dies,
And Rafael said, said, that this lasts four days,
Res dolent m'ha de passar
Nothing bad will happen to me
I en veure en Tomàs, bon negoci, es clar,
And when he saw Thomas, good business, of course,
El va fer fora i al carrer va anar a parar
He threw him out and he ended up on the street
No em fas pena, nen, perquè soc conscient
I don't feel sorry for you, boy, because I'm aware
Que aquí vull fer cales i tu aquí ni hi pintes res
That here I want to make money and you don't even matter here
I això si que te un nom, i no és la llibertat
And that has a name, and it's not freedom
Es el poder, es l'egoisme, es l'avarícia sense fre
It is power, it is selfishness, it is greed without brakes
Per be, o per mal, Rafel, se que t'enpenadiras
For good or for evil, Rafael, I know you will repent
Qui sap, potser un dia jo seré mes fort
Who knows, maybe one day I will be stronger
I sabràs que es estar en el meu lloc,
And you will know what it is to be in my place,
I amb l'ajuda dels esteles podràs
And with the help of the stars you will be able to
I allí al carrer on volen les veus
And there in the street where voices fly
Va saber que a les nits, l'espavilat d'en Rafel
He learned that at night, the clever Rafael
Amb una meuca va passar el temps
With a whore he passed the time
I el cul li vam retratar
And we portrayed his ass
Era clar que al poder
It was clear that power
Poc havia de durar
Little had to last
I en Tomàs deia, deia,
And Thomas said, said,
T'has posat on no et manaven i al final t'han enxampat
You put yourself where you were not ordered and in the end you were caught
I en Rafel deia, deia,
And Rafael said, said,
E perdut el privilegi ja de viure amb el cap alt
I have lost the privilege of living with my head held high
El carrer a l'hivern es fa dur i etern,
The street in winter is hard and eternal,
No vaig fer mal a ningú
I didn't hurt anyone
Em vas deixar sol al fred
You left me alone in the cold
Pel que has fet tu, ara hauràs de pagar ho sap el poble
For what you have done, now you will have to pay, the town knows it
I al carrer et faran anar
And they will make you go to the street
Veuràs com la merda et puja fins dalt
You will see how the shit rises up your neck
El coll i per dins la sang et podrirà
And inside your blood will rot
Com ni el fred pot refredar
As not even the cold can cool
Per be o per mal, Rafel, ara t'empenediras
For good or for evil, Rafael, now you will repent
Ja ho veus, ara veus que jo ja soc mes fort
You see, now you see that I am stronger now
Sentiràs que es estar en el meu lloc
You will feel what it is like to be in my place
I amb l'ajuda dels estels, podràs comptar.
And with the help of the stars, you will be able to count.

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