Lax'n'Busto - Ella i el seu fill - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lax'n'Busto - Ella i el seu fill

Ella i el seu fill
Ella i el seu fill
Viu soleta amb el seu fill
I saw you lonely with your son
En un pis d'aquells de fa 300 anys,
In a flat from 300 years ago,
Dels seus pares va escapar
You escaped from your parents
I el pare del nen ràpid va renunciar
And the father of the child quickly gave up
Tot l'amor que mai li van donar
All the love they never gave you
Ella li dona a aquell infant
You give to that child
Cada dia al dematí
Every morning
Ella el lleva, el banya i agafa el camí
You take him, bathe him, and take the road
Cap al cole el portarà
You will take him to school
La psicòloga ja l'està esperant
The psychologist is already waiting for him
Què pot fer, amb un nen que no fa res?
What can she do with a child who does nothing?
Que va nèixer abans de temps
Who was born prematurely
Vull saber, que penses mentre jo t'estic tocant
I want to know what you're thinking while I'm touching you
Tu no sents. tu no parles ni veus les meves mans
You don't hear, you don't talk or see my hands
Però el teu cor va bategant
But your heart is beating
I és que tens el meu amor les 3 horetes que ets per mi
And it's that you have my love the 3 hours you are for me
La mare s'en va a treballar
The mother goes to work
A la O.N.C.E. ara l'han contractat
At the ONCE they have now hired her
Ella sempre havia comprat
She had always bought
Cupons de l'esperança per somiar
Coupons of hope to dream
I agraeix tota la sort que va tenir
And she is grateful for all the luck she had
Quant aquell crio va parir
When that boy was born
Amor meu, tu ets tot el que jo no he tingut mai
My love, you are everything I never had
I el nen té, tots els mals que déu li va poder donar
And the boy has all the evils that God could give him
Ara és a l'hospital
Now he's in the hospital
I la noia, que farà quan el cel digui vas fallar
And the girl, what will she do when heaven says you failed
I se l'emporti al més enllà
And take him to the afterlife
Amor meu, tu ets tot el que jo no he tingut mai
My love, you are everything I never had
I somia que algun dia, potser serà important
And she dreams that someday, perhaps she will be important
Perquè a ella tant li fa
Because she doesn't care
El nen la seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau
The child has her blood, her love, her peace
I el que ella no sap explicar
And what she cannot explain
Amor meu...
My love...
Seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau
His blood, his love, his peace
La seva pau el seu amor
His peace his love
La seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau no he tingut mai
His blood, his love, his peace I never had
La seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau no he tingut mai
His blood, his love, his peace I never had
La seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau no he tingut mai
His blood, his love, his peace I never had
La seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau no he tingut mai
His blood, his love, his peace I never had
La seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau no he tingut mai
His blood, his love, his peace I never had
La seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau no he tingut mai
His blood, his love, his peace I never had
La seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau no he tingut mai
His blood, his love, his peace I never had
La seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau no he tingut mai
His blood, his love, his peace I never had

Авторы: Cristian Gómez Montenegro, Jimmy Piñol, Pemi Fortuny, Pemi Rovirosa

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