Lax'n'Busto - Han Trucat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lax'n'Busto - Han Trucat

Han Trucat
You Called
Han trucat, corro de pressa
You called, I ran in a hurry
Ho he somniat, no ens has deixat
I dreamed it, you had not left us
Trec el cap per la finestra...
I put my head out the window...
Fa molt temps que no apareixes
It's been a long time since you've shown up
No recordava el que és passar
I didn't remember what it's like to go through
Que algú que vols el veus marxar
Someone you love you see go away
I ara veig clar el significat
And now I see clearly the meaning
D'aquest temps al teu costat
Of this time by your side
Però no ets tu, i això em molesta
But it's not you, and that bothers me
No se com sortir d'aquesta
I don't know how to get out of this
I em sento en un cercle tancat
And I feel in a vicious circle
Es com si de sobte tot
It's like suddenly everything
Em fes por i no vull sortir al carrer
Scares me and I don't want to go out
Em fa por la sensació
The feeling scares me
De que ja no puc veure't mai més
That I can no longer see you ever again
I aquell cel que tan me'l mirava
And that sky that I looked at so much
S'ha fet gran i l'he deixat
Has grown big and I have left it
És com si tot que tan clar ho veia
It's like everything I saw so clearly
Es fés fosc i ho veies borrós
It's getting dark and you see it blurry
Més que afligit i adolorit
More than distressed and in pain
Més que amargat i atabalat
More than bitter and flustered
Més que enrabiat i enfonsat
More than angry and disconsolate
Així em sento quan penso en tu!
That's how I feel when I think of you!
Voldria dir-te que
I'd like to tell you that
Sí! sempre estaras amb mi
Yes! you'll always be with me
Sempre estaras aquí
You'll always be here
Et portaré sempre amb mi
I will always carry you with me
I quan estigui sol
And when I am alone
Tu sempre estaras amb mi
You will always be with me
Potser ara el millor és oblidar
Maybe now the best thing is to forget
I recordar el que ens ho vam passar
And remember the good time we had
Però això és dur, la gent en parla
But this is hard, people talk about it
I fa més gran el buit que tu has deixat
And it makes the hole you left bigger
Amb el temps oblidaré
With time I will forget
Però a tu dins sempre et portaré
But I will always carry you inside
I on em porti el meu destí
And wherever my destiny takes me
Tu sempre amb mi faras camí
You will always make the way with me
Quan ho vas fer em vas putejar
When you did it, you screwed me
Mai ho he entès, mai ho he vist clar
I've never understood, I've never seen it clearly
Em sento en un cercle tancat
I feel in a vicious circle
I que mai sabré la veritat
And I know I will never know the truth
No recordava el que és passar
I didn't remember what it's like to go through
Que algú que vols el veus marxar
Someone you love you see go away
I ara veig clar el significat
And now I see clearly the meaning
D'aquest temps al teu costat
Of this time by your side
Voldria dir-te que...
I'd like to tell you that...
Si! Sempre estaràs amb mi
Yes! you'll always be with me
Sempre estaras aquí
You'll always be here
Et portaré sempre amb mi
I will always carry you with me
I quan estigui sol
And when I am alone
Tu sempre estaras amb mi
You will always be with me
Voldria dir-te que...
I'd like to tell you that...
Si! Sempre estaràs amb mi
Yes! you'll always be with me
Sempre estaras aquí
You'll always be here
Et portaré sempre amb mi
I will always carry you with me
I quan estigui sol
And when I am alone
Tu sempre estaras amb mi
You will always be with me

Авторы: Cristian Gómez Montenegro, Jesús Rovira, Jimmy Piñol, Pemi Fortuny, Pemi Rovirosa

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