Lax'n'Busto - No vaig triar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lax'n'Busto - No vaig triar

No vaig triar
I Didn't Choose
Quan la claror vingui a buscar-me
When the light comes looking for me
Quan tanqui aquests ulls humans
When I close these human eyes
Potser en tindré uns de més grans
Maybe I'll have some bigger ones
O potser, qui ho sap, s'aturaran
Or maybe, who knows, they'll stop
D'on vens, on vas, qui ets i qui seràs?
Where do you come from, where are you going, who are you and who will you be?
Aquesta nit m'ho he preguntat
I asked myself that tonight
I és que d'aquí no vull marxar
I just don't want to leave
M'agrada més que el més enllà
I like it more than the afterlife
Diuen que t'han posat a prova
They say that you have been put to the test
Que per això tens la llibertat
That's why you have freedom
Que has d'escollir entre el i el mal
That you have to choose between good and evil
Però ets com vas néixer i ho seràs
But you are as you were born and you will be
No vaig triar ser tal com sóc ni ser humà
I didn't choose to be the way I am or to be human
I és que tampoc puc explicar
And I can't explain either
Tot el que he fet o faré demà, demà
All that I have done or will do tomorrow, tomorrow
I no pas que m'espera
And I don't know what awaits me
Però ha de ser millor, ha de ser millor
But it has to be better, it has to be better
Voldria tornar enrera
I would like to go back
Però ha de ser millor, ha de ser millor
But it has to be better, it has to be better
Diuen que potser és per feblesa
They say it may be for weakness
Diuen que és per manca de fe
They say it's for lack of faith
No em fa vergonya confessar
I am not ashamed to confess
Que hi ha coses que em fan por
That there are things that scare me
Doncs no perdrà la meva adreça
Well, it won't lose my address
Ni la d'aquells que jo he estimat
Nor that of those I have loved
Ni esclaus, reis, bojos, ni malalts
Neither slaves, kings, madmen, nor sick
Tant li fa, que li és igual
It doesn't matter to him, it doesn't matter to him
No vaig triar néixer com soc ni néixer humà
I didn't choose to be born as I am or to be human
I és que tampoc puc explicar
And I can't explain either
Tot el que he fet o faré demà, demà
All that I have done or will do tomorrow, tomorrow
I no pas que m'espera
And I don't know what awaits me
Però ha de ser millor, ha de ser millor
But it has to be better, it has to be better
Voldria tornar enrera
I would like to go back
Però ha de ser millor, ha de ser millor
But it has to be better, it has to be better
I com volen que jo em cregui
And how do they want me to believe
Que en un llibre hi puc trobar
That in a book I can find
La gran diferència entre el i el mal
The great difference between good and evil
I el passaport cap al paradís
And the passport to paradise
Si jo mateix estic condemnat
If I myself am condemned
Per no creure el que no veig
For not believing what I don't see
Per voler tenir moltes coses
For wanting to have many things
Per ser tal com em van fer
For being the way I was made
No, jo no puc canviar-me
No, I can't change myself
Mai ho desitjat, mai ho he desitjat
I never wanted it, I never wanted it
No puc pas ser un altre
I can't be someone else
Mai ho he desitjat, mai ho he desitjat
I never wanted it, I never wanted it

Авторы: Cristian Gómez Montenegro, Jesús Rovira, Jimmy Piñol, Pemi Fortuny, Pemi Rovirosa

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