Lax'n'Busto - Quan es Fosc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lax'n'Busto - Quan es Fosc

Quan es Fosc
When It's Dark
Quan es fosc sol a casa
When it's dark and I'm home alone
Miro el cel i amb el cor
I look up at the sky and with my heart
Penso en coses que em passen
I think of things that happen to me
Que voldria que amb tu em passesin
That I wish would happen to me with you
I en les que no ens podran passar.
And the ones that can't happen to us.
Del meu cap no et puc treure
I can't get you out of my head
Amb mi estas dia i nit
You're with me day and night
Cada hora que passa
Every hour that passes
Més dificil s'em fa veure el moment
It's getting harder for me to see the moment
De poder estar amb tu.
Of being able to be with you.
Si tu em fas tremolar
If you make me tremble
I el que planejo dir-te
And what I plan to tell you
Quan hi ets tu
When you're there
No em surt de dins
It doesn't come out of me
Ja se que ni ha molts
I know there are many
Que farien el que fos
Who would do anything
Moure cel mar i terra
Move heaven and earth
Caminar entre boires i mal temps
Walk through fog and bad weather
Per tenir-te tota seva.
To have you all to themselves.
Pero es que en tota una vida
But it's just that in a lifetime
No em podria perdonar
I couldn't forgive myself
Veure com tu camines
Seeing you walk
Cap una altre camí
Towards another path
Sense haver-ho intentat
Without having tried
Si tu em fas tremolar
If you make me tremble
I el que planejo dir-te
And what I plan to tell you
Quan hi ets tu
When you're there
No em surt de dins
It doesn't come out of me
I el pas del temps (I el pas del temps)
And the passage of time (And the passage of time)
Farà oblidar-te (Farà obligar)
Will make you forget (Will make you forget)
No penso en res
I think of nothing
Més que estimar-te.
More than loving you.
Vull que em miris a mi
I want you to look at me
Em sento estrany en els teus ulls
I feel strange in your eyes
I aixo et fa ser molt especial
And that makes you very special
Voldria veure-ho un pel mes clar
I'd like to see it a little clearer
Una trucada per quedar i ja esta
A phone call to meet up and that's it
Sense problemes...
No problems...
Si amb tu jo vull estar...
If I want to be with you...
Sabia que en aquest mon
I knew that in this world
S'hauria de lluitar
One would have to fight
Per tenir el que ambiciones
To have what you desire
Pero tambe no sabia
But I also didn't know
Que amb tu sola no podria...
That I couldn't do it with you alone...
Ni ara que t'escric
Not even now that I'm writing to you
No em sento prou les forces
I don't feel strong enough
Per posar-me davant i decobrir
To put myself in front of you and discover
El que sempre he volgut saber.
What I've always wanted to know.
Si potser no t'entenc
If maybe I don't understand you
I em fas pensar a vegades
And you make me think sometimes
Que és millor deixar-ho estar.
That it's better to let it go.
Potser si el temps (potser si el temps)
Maybe if time (maybe if time)
Farà oblidar-te (Farà oblidar)
Will make you forget (Will make you forget)
I no pensar en res
And not think of anything
Més que estimar-te
More than loving you
Fot el cam del meu cap
Get out of my head
Pero el mateix vull estar amb tu...
But I want to be with you all the same...
I veig que tu no ho vols aixi
And I see that you don't want it that way
M'agradaria penetrar a dintre teu
I would like to penetrate inside you
Saber com ets per dins
To know what you're like inside
Perque estic fart de somiar.
Because I'm tired of dreaming.
Quan es fosc sol a casa
When it's dark and I'm home alone
Miro el cel i amb el cor
I look up at the sky and with my heart
Penso en coses que em passen
I think of things that happen to me
Que voldria que amb tu em passesin
That I wish would happen to me with you
I en les que no ens podran passar
And the ones that can't happen to us
No ens podran passar
Can't happen to us
No ens podran passar.
Can't happen to us.

Авторы: Pemi Rovirosa

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