Lax'n'Busto - Temps Al Temps - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lax'n'Busto - Temps Al Temps

Temps Al Temps
Time in Time
Temps al temps
Time in time
Pas a pas.
Step by step.
Zero, un, dos i tres.
Zero, one, two and three.
Vols canviar,
You want to change,
Vols volar com una fulla en el vent.
You want to fly like a leaf in the wind.
Desitges ser un altre,
You wish to be another,
Poder mudar la pell,
To be able to shed your skin,
Però una estranya força tiba
But a strange force pulls
I et fa ser allò que has de ser.
And makes you be what you have to be.
Potser et passaràs la vida
Perhaps you will spend your life
Retornant al mateix punt
Returning to the same point
I viuràs noves mentides,
And you will live new lies,
Però, per sempre, seràs tal com ets.
But you will always be as you are.
Temps al temps,
Time in time,
Pas a pas.
Step by step.
Zero, un, dos i tres.
Zero, one, two and three.
Poc a poc, com un joc,
Little by little, like a game,
Guanyes o perds;
You win or you lose;
Però, de nou, comença la partida,
But, again, the game begins,
Nova oportunitat,
New opportunity,
Per llançar els daus de la vida,
To roll the dice of life,
Saps que hi estàs obliga.
You know that you are bound to.
No pots fer cap altra cosa més que continuar,
You can do nothing else but continue,
I, si no fas cap pas en fals,
And if you don't make any missteps,
Tot el que desitges amb tanta força
All that you desire with all your might
Potser algun dia es farà realitat.
May one day become reality.
Temps al temps,
Time in time,
Pas a pas.
Step by step.
Zero, un, dos i tres.
Zero, one, two and three.
Jove o vell, pobre o rei,
Young or old, poor or king,
Sota la mateixa llei.
Under the same law.
Si mai tens un problema
If you ever have a problem
Impossible d'arreglar,
Impossible to fix,
De res serveix pensar-hi
It's no use thinking about it
Si no el podràs canviar.
If you can't change it.
I si mai aquest problema
And if ever this problem
El pots solucionar,
You can solve,
No cal que li donis voltes,
You don't have to think about it,
Que, per sempre, serà tal com és.
That it will always be as it is.

Авторы: Pemi Rovirosa

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