Laze feat. Kara Chenoa - Turun Dari Langit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Laze feat. Kara Chenoa - Turun Dari Langit

Turun Dari Langit
Falling from the Sky
Ye ye ah
Ye ye ah
Turun dari langit
Falling from the sky
Turun dari uh
Falling from uh
Uh, aku tidak pernah puas
Uh, I'm never satisfied
Usaha berbuah tapi setelah dikupas
Efforts bear fruit but after peeling
Rasa masih masam, wajah yang kupasang
The taste is still sour, the face I put on
Pertanda jiwaku surut di tiap ruas
A sign that my soul recedes in every joint
Oh, tak ada yang berkesan
Oh, nothing is impressive
Rumput mereka hijau, rumput aku gersang
Their grass is green, my grass is dry
Masih ada atap, masih ada uang
There's still a roof, there's still money
Lewat kacamata minus semua terlihat kurang
Through minus glasses, everything looks lacking
Bagai paskibra lihat rupiah berbaris
Like a flag bearer watching rupiah line up
Ingin hidup bagai Hotman Paris
Want to live like Hotman Paris
Hilton tidur makan di hotel
Hilton sleep eat at the hotel
Tetep punya soul bagai ibukota Korsel
Still have soul like the capital of South Korea
Jiwa aku penuh seperti isi rekening
My soul is full like the contents of a bank account
Ada tagihan tak perlu kenyutkan kening
There are bills, no need to frown
Bila dana mulai habis manis jadi pahit
If the funds start to run out, sweet becomes bitter
Tinggal tunggu rupiah turun dari langit
Just wait for the rupiah to fall from the sky
Andaikan semua ada begitu saja
If only everything were just there
Bila ada emas di ujung pelangi
If there was gold at the end of the rainbow
Turun dari langit semua menanti
Falling from the sky, everyone is waiting
Di bawah awan aku bermimpi
Under the clouds, I dream
Berdansa dan menari
Dancing and swaying
Menyambut uang turun dari langit
Welcoming money falling from the sky
Bawa masalahku pergi
Take my problems away
Bawa masalahku pergi
Take my problems away
Bawa masalahku pergi
Take my problems away
Yow, uh
Yo, uh
Semua tidak pernah cukup, uh
Nothing is ever enough, uh
Banyak hal yang aku butuh
There are many things I need
Sepatu mulai butut, jeans bolong di lutut
Shoes are starting to wear out, jeans are ripped at the knees
Tiap hari Jumat di aspal kubersujud
Every Friday I prostrate on the asphalt
Ya, agar hidup berubah wujud evolusi bagai Darwin tapi ini kasus lain
Yes, so that life changes form, evolution like Darwin, but this is a different case
Anak kemarin sore mulai jadi anak mas
Yesterday's kid starts to become a golden child
Sekarang makan caviar dulu makan mie remas
Now eating caviar, used to eat instant noodles
Oh, masih bandingkan apa yang kudapat
Oh, I still compare what I get
Dengan para tuan yang tidur waktu rapat
With the masters who sleep during meetings
Dibayar untuk melawat, lihat luar negeri
Paid to visit, see foreign countries
Tapi kini karantina bahkan keluar pun ngeri
But now quarantine, even going out is scary
Aset masih banyak, walau sudah disita
There are still many assets, even though they have been confiscated
Rumah bagai hadiah diberi pita
A house like a gift given with a ribbon
Kuning, rekening, masih penuh angka ajaib
Yellow, bank account, still full of magic numbers
Mungkin uang mereka semua turun dari langit
Maybe their money all fell from the sky
Andaikan semua ada begitu saja
If only everything were just there
Bila ada emas di ujung pelangi
If there was gold at the end of the rainbow
Turun dari langit semua menanti
Falling from the sky, everyone is waiting
Di bawah awan aku bermimpi (Aku bermimpi)
Under the clouds, I dream (I dream)
Berdansa dan menari
Dancing and swaying
Menyambut uang turun dari langit
Welcoming money falling from the sky
Bawa masalahku pergi
Take my problems away
Bawa masalahku pergi
Take my problems away
Bawa masalahku pergi
Take my problems away
Bawa masalahku pergi
Take my problems away
Bawa masalahku pergi
Take my problems away
Bawa masalahku pergi (Pergi)
Take my problems away (Away)
Hey, yeah
Hey, yeah
Masuk plaza tinggal tunjuk apapun yang kumau
Entering the plaza, just point at anything I want
Semua barang, semua merk, semua hal yang kutahu
All the stuff, all the brands, all the things I know
Uang turun dari langit bagai hujan yang deras
Money falls from the sky like heavy rain
Tutup saja payungmu, jangan berteduh di teras
Just close your umbrella, don't take shelter on the terrace
Ceritaku panjang bagai limosin
My story is long like a limousine
Banyak benturan bagai di mosphit
Many collisions like in a mosh pit
Aku rasa hidup bisa lebih baik
I think life could be better
Bila rupiah bisa turun dari langit
If rupiah could fall from the sky
Ceritaku panjang bagai limosin
My story is long like a limousine
Banyak benturan bagai di mosphit
Many collisions like in a mosh pit
Aku rasa hidup bisa lebih baik
I think life could be better
Bila rupiah bisa turun dari langit
If rupiah could fall from the sky

Авторы: Havie Parkasya, Kara Chenoa, Monty Hasan

Laze feat. Kara Chenoa - Turun Dari Langit (feat. Kara Chenoa) - Single
Turun Dari Langit (feat. Kara Chenoa) - Single
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