Laze feat. Zet Legacy - Belum Tentu Emas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Laze feat. Zet Legacy - Belum Tentu Emas

Belum Tentu Emas
Not Necessarily Gold
Yah, uh
Yeah, uh
Bila harta berlimpah, peringatan ke satu
When wealth overflows, here's a reminder
Uang dapat beli Rolex tapi tak dapat beli waktu
Money can buy a Rolex but it can't buy time
Hati lebih sepi dari perayaan Hindu
A heart lonelier than a Hindu celebration
Rindu tiap pulang kerja anak sudah lelap tidur
Longing every time I come home from work, the child is fast asleep
Usaha menjadi ayah, istri dan anak dia
Trying to be a father, wife, and child to her
Tak terlihat segar, walau bermandikan hadiah
She doesn't look refreshed, even though showered with gifts
Hawa butuh kasih sayang dia hanya kasih Prada
Her spirit needs affection, but all I give is Prada
Orang berada, namun di rumah tak pernah ada
A wealthy man, but never present at home
Sekarang bandingkan denganku
Now compare that to me
Tanganku tak ada Audemar tapi genggam waktu
My hand doesn't have an Audemars Piguet, but it holds time
Momen berharga tak terlewat
Precious moments are not missed
Sederhana itu mewah
Simplicity is luxury
Walau aku masih pusing pikir cara bayar sewa
Even though I'm still worried about how to pay the rent
Terkadang tahan lapar dan bukan penggemar snack
Sometimes I endure hunger and I'm not a fan of snacks
Maka tak bersantap di Citos dengan para jetset
So I don't dine in Citos with the jetsetters
Duduk di rumah dengan kerabat dan sahabat
Sitting at home with family and friends
Bukan orang terpandang, tapi aku selalu terlihat (Laze)
Not a prominent figure, but I'm always seen (Laze)
Lihat yang berlebih cita rasa kurang
See those with excess, lacking in taste
Uang bukan pasti buat hati senang (oh)
Money doesn't necessarily bring happiness (oh)
Tanpa penjaga gerbang, kapal terbang, kolam renang
Without gatekeepers, airplanes, swimming pools
Tanpa ada paparazzi bila pergi dengan teman (oh yeah)
Without paparazzi when going out with friends (oh yeah)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas) (oh yeah)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold) (oh yeah)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold)
Now it′s my time, let me figure my rhymes
Now it′s my time, let me figure my rhymes
Baby calling-calling jangan lupa makan
Baby calling-calling, don't forget to eat
Dan mama pesan solat jangan ditinggalkan
And mama says don't leave your prayers behind
And everything you do kena la ingat tuhan
And everything you do, remember God
And everything fun, and everything good
And everything fun, and everything good
We're getting salute and giving back to the hood
We're getting saluted and giving back to the hood
And giving back to the poor
And giving back to the poor
Don′t worry 'bout clothes
Don′t worry 'bout clothes
And talk about your people kena jadi contoh
And talk about your people, you gotta be an example
And now when I spit those
And now when I spit those
These bars will make go
These bars will make go
Got me chillin' by the side my bro from Indo (wassup)
Got me chillin' by the side my bro from Indo (wassup)
Smoke in Indo
Smoke in Indo
It′s how′s the things go
It′s how′s the things go
Times moving fast now I'm thinking things slo′
Times moving fast now I'm thinking things slo′
Four doors don't say no or show love
Four doors don't say no or show love
When y′all come through the show or no y'all
When y′all come through the show or no y'all
Yeah I know KL don′t sleep at all
Yeah I know KL don′t sleep at all
Man I'm taking you on the journey this far, now
Man I'm taking you on the journey this far, now
Lihat yang berlebih cita rasa kurang
See those with excess, lacking in taste
Uang bukan pasti buat hati senang (oh)
Money doesn't necessarily bring happiness (oh)
Tanpa penjaga gerbang, kapal terbang, kolam renang
Without gatekeepers, airplanes, swimming pools
Tanpa ada paparazzi bila pergi dengan teman (oh yeah)
Without paparazzi when going out with friends (oh yeah)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas) (oh yeah)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold) (oh yeah)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold)
"Kenapa? Semua serba cukup?
"Why? Everything is enough?
Rumah, mobil, duit, Semua selangit"
House, car, money, All sky-high"
"Eh, senangnya seorang istri bukan karena duitnya yang banyak dan rumah gedong"
"Eh, a wife's happiness is not because of her abundant money and big house"
"Loh? Kalo bukan itu apa lagi?"
"Oh? If not that, what else?"
Lihat yang berlebih cita rasa kurang
See those with excess, lacking in taste
Uang bukan pasti buat hati senang (oh)
Money doesn't necessarily bring happiness (oh)
Tanpa penjaga gerbang, kapal terbang, kolam renang
Without gatekeepers, airplanes, swimming pools
Tanpa ada paparazzi bila pergi dengan teman (oh yeah)
Without paparazzi when going out with friends (oh yeah)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas) (oh yeah)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold) (oh yeah)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold)
(Karna yang bersinar, belum tentu emas)
(Because what shines, isn't necessarily gold)

Авторы: Faris Rahman, Havie Parkasya

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