Laze - Budak - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Laze - Budak

Kaos masih bagus beli lagi dari butik
Your clothes are still good, but you buy more from the boutique
Kita macam stalker tren dia selalu kita ikuti
We're like fashion stalkers, we always follow the trends
Bukan kolektor keramik tapi masih beli Gucci
We're not ceramic collectors, but we still buy Gucci
Armani beli lagi habis tiga kali cuci
Armani, buy again, wash three times
Punya seorang istri dan seorang anak laki
I have a wife and a son
Dengan wanita muda ia melangkahkan kaki
With a younger woman, he started walking
Masuk ke dalam hotel dan ketahuan massa
He went into a hotel and was caught by the crowd
Baju masih kering tapi ia tertangkap basah
His clothes were still dry, but he got caught in the rain
Mall macam gereja ia kesana tiap minggu
The mall is like a church, he goes there every week
Diskon dari gerai baju itulah yang ia tunggu
Discounts on clothes are what he waits for
Gesek kartu kredit macam ia punya uang
He swipes his credit card like he has money
Tiap akhir bulan dikejar kejar penagih hutang
At the end of every month, he's chased by debt collectors
Karyawan yang rajin ia tidak pernah bolos
He's a diligent employee, he never skips work
Bagai baju tanpa motif karena ia masih polos
He's like a shirt without a pattern, because he's still innocent
Jadi bahan ejekan ia tak pernah lolos
He's the butt of jokes, he never gets away
Bahkan ia dipanggil oleh bos dengan kata budak
Even his boss calls him a slave
Ia seorang musisi dengan kualitas
He's a musician with a lot of talent
Dan baru tanda tangani kontrak rekaman di kertas
And he just signed a record deal
Namun ia telah korbankan, segala bakat
But he has sacrificed everything, his talent
Agar bisa lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat
Just to be more famous to the public
Perempuan manis kulit putih mulus
A sweet, fair-skinned girl
Tapi sekolah dan cintanya, sama sama putus
But her studies and her love life, both ended
Ia bersama seoarang mata keranjang
She's with a womanizer
Demi harta ia mau naik ke ranjang
She'd sleep with him for money
Macam tv jaman dulu dia putih abu abu
Like an old TV, she's black and white
Di kelab pada malam sabtu ia masih ragu ragu
At a club on Saturday night, she's still hesitant
Minum alkohol dan ikut berpesta ria
She drinks alcohol and parties
Agar popular seperti majalah pria
To be popular like a men's magazine
Ibu pejuang kerja di negeri seberang
A struggling mother working abroad
Dengan seorang majikan jahat yang selalu berang
With a cruel employer who's always angry
Macam granat perang emosinya meledak
Like a grenade, her emotions explode
Karena majikannya panggil dia dengan kata budak
Because her employer calls her a slave

Авторы: Havie Parkasya

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