Laze - Introgasi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Laze - Introgasi

Siapa itu?
Who's that?
Di Jakarta kamu tidak usah takut dan kuatir
In Jakarta, you don't need to be afraid or worried
Semua urusan akan berjalan lancar, asal ada ini
Everything will run smoothly, as long as you have this
Aku tahu, Jakarta itu semua serba mahal
I know, everything in Jakarta is expensive
Jakarta memang hutan keras, kalah bersaing akan digilas
Jakarta is a concrete jungle, lose the competition and you'll be crushed
Buka mata banyak hal yang harus dilunasi
Open your eyes, there are many things to pay off
Kutuk Hitler tapi semua cari sesuap nasi
Curse Hitler, but everyone is looking for a bite to eat
Bahkan sudi buat orang lain merugi
Even willing to make others lose
Halalkan segala cara tapi kau bukan MUI
Justifying any means, but you're not the MUI
Pengalaman pahit aku kecapi, bangun
I've tasted bitter experiences, wake up
Di dalam bis saat aku duduk di bangku
On the bus, when I was sitting on the bench
Hanya karena telefon genggam di dalam saku
Just because of a cell phone in my pocket
Nyawaku di ujung pisau dan tak ada orang bantu
My life was on the edge of a knife and nobody helped
Tak ada simpati dan ini bukan simcard
No sympathy, and this isn't a sim card
Benar jadi salah dan salah jadi benar
Right becomes wrong, and wrong becomes right
Semua orang mengotot tapi mereka tidak kekar
Everyone's arguing, but they're not strong
Ahli membela diri dan mereka bukan pendekar
Experts at self-defense, but they're not warriors
Dilindungi oleh Yang Satu, aku memohon
Protected by the One, I plead
Doa kupanjatkan, dan tak butuh pohon
I raise my prayers, and I don't need a tree
Niatku lurus, kuharap lurus pula jalan
My intentions are straight, I hope the road is straight too
Niatmu bengkok, macam ibu kota Thailand (Ha)
Your intentions are crooked, like the capital of Thailand (Ha)
Jakarta berapa lama?
How long in Jakarta?
Datang dari daerah mana?
Where are you from?
Hendak kerja jadi apa?
What kind of work are you looking for?
Apa kau punya ijazah?
Do you have a diploma?
Apa kau ada saudara?
Do you have any relatives?
Jangan cari gara-gara
Don't look for trouble
Karena ini kota keras
Because this is a tough city
Bila lunak balik rumah
If you're soft, go back home
Bila lunak balik rumah (Go home)
If you're soft, go back home (Go home)
Bila lunak balik rumah (Go home)
If you're soft, go back home (Go home)
Jaga dirimu baik-baik
Take care of yourself
Air susu dibalas tuba
Kindness repaid with evil
Dan bukan terompet kau coba meraih hati mereka ingin raih dompet
And it's not a trumpet you try to reach their hearts, they want to reach your wallet
Bilang 'tuk pengganggu tolong antri di loket
Tell the troublemakers to please queue at the ticket booth
Karna mereka sama sekali tidak punya e-ticket
Because they don't have an e-ticket at all
Mau jadi orang berada, dengan beradab
Want to be a wealthy person, with manners
Beradaptasi dengan yang biadab
Adapt to the barbaric
Kadang dalam godaan aku tersesat
Sometimes I get lost in temptation
Tapi ingat hidup bukan akronim namun cukup singkat
But remember, life is not an acronym, but it is quite short
Orang ingin bawa kita jatuh
People want to bring us down
Pesan lobster atas piring sebab ada udang balik batu
Order lobster on a plate because there are shrimps behind the rock
Dan aku hanya mencoba menjadi profesional
And I'm just trying to be professional
Maka musuh aku jamu macam obat tradisional
So I treat my enemies like traditional medicine
Semua mau cari laba harap kita beda jaring
Everyone wants to make a profit, I hope we have different nets
Saring teman karna musuh sudah sibuk tunjuk taring
Filter your friends because your enemies are busy showing their fangs
Ujuk gigi dengan ijazah atau muka tebal
Show your teeth with a diploma or a thick face
Maka hati-hati tergigit macam logo Apple
So be careful of being bitten like the Apple logo
Jakarta berapa lama?
How long in Jakarta?
Datang dari daerah mana?
Where are you from?
Hendak kerja jadi apa?
What kind of work are you looking for?
Apa kau punya ijazah?
Do you have a diploma?
Apa kau ada saudara?
Do you have any relatives?
Jangan cari gara-gara
Don't look for trouble
Karena ini kota keras
Because this is a tough city
Bila lunak balik rumah (Go home)
If you're soft, go back home (Go home)
Bila lunak balik rumah (Go home)
If you're soft, go back home (Go home)
Bila lunak balik rumah
If you're soft, go back home
Jakarta berapa lama?
How long in Jakarta?
Datang dari daerah mana?
Where are you from?
Hendak kerja jadi apa?
What kind of work are you looking for?
Apa kau punya ijazah?
Do you have a diploma?
Apa kau ada saudara?
Do you have any relatives?
Jangan cari gara-gara
Don't look for trouble
Karena ini kota keras
Because this is a tough city
Bila lunak balik rumah (Go home)
If you're soft, go back home (Go home)

Авторы: Havie Parkasya

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