Laze - Ruang Tunggu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Laze - Ruang Tunggu

Ruang Tunggu
Waiting Room
Yeah, mmh
Yeah, mmh
Let me get this right
Let me get this right
Ruang tunggumu
Your waiting room
Ah, sudah lama aku tunggu
Ah, I've been waiting for so long
Kesempatan emas, aku tak butuh perunggu
A golden opportunity, I don't need bronze
Ah, aku tak lagi lugu
Ah, I'm no longer naive
Malaikat pun tahu bahwa aku sungguh-sungguh
Even angels know that I'm serious
(Hah) dulu hancur lebur sampai bubuk (yeah)
(Hah) once shattered to dust (yeah)
Harapanku terlalu besar bagai fubu
My hopes were too big like a fubu
Lingkunganku penuh racun bagai fugu
My surroundings were full of poison like fugu
Aku terlalu berpendirian untuk duduk
I'm too opinionated to sit
Dan diam, saat kalian
And be quiet, when you
Bilang aku tak punya keahlian (no)
Say I have no skills (no)
Jadi buat apa kau berikan pendapat receh?
So why do you give cheap opinions?
Aku tak perlu kembalian
I don't need change
Dia tak tahu malu jadi benalu
They have no shame being a parasite
Dahulu untuk mreka aku s'lalu ada
In the past, I was always there for them
Datang tiba-tiba hanya kar'na ada perlu
Coming suddenly just because they needed something
Seharusnya mereka tidak perlu ada
They shouldn't even exist
Musuh dalam selimut, usir dari ranjang
Enemies in blankets, chase them from the bed
B'rapa aib digoreng di atas wajan?
How many scandals are fried in the pan?
Rahasia bagai piala yang m'reka pajang
Secrets like trophies they display
Tak perlu Dr. Boyke, kau punya masalah panjang
No need for Dr. Boyke, you have long problems
Pergi makan di Union
Going to eat at Union
Prioritasku bukan tabungan dan hunian
My priority is not savings and housing
Sudah kubilang aku bukan teladan
I told you I'm not a role model
Tertipu gemerlapan, kampus lulus telat dan-
Deceived by the glitter, graduated late from college and-
Aku hampir DO, teman aku hampir OD
I almost dropped out, my friend almost OD'd
Itu lagu lama, ku tak mau berkaraoke
That's an old song, I don't want to karaoke
Hm, okay
Hm, okay
Ingin ubah hidup, tunggu Tuhan beri kode
Want to change my life, waiting for God's code
(Orang sabar disayang Tuhan)
(Patient people are loved by God)
(Orang sabar disayang Tuhan)
(Patient people are loved by God)
(Orang sabar disayang Tuhan)
(Patient people are loved by God)
Sudah lama aku tunggu
I've been waiting for so long
Kesempatan emas, aku tak butuh perunggu
A golden opportunity, I don't need bronze
Malaikat pun tahu bahwa aku sungguh-sungguh
Even angels know that I'm serious
Berjuang untuk orang yang kusayang
Fighting for the ones I love
Niatku mulia bagai hotel di Senayan
My intentions are noble like a hotel in Senayan
Aku seperti pecandu yang tak punya waktu
I'm like an addict who has no time
Berarti tak ada kesempatan melayang
Meaning there's no chance to float
Taruhku di iklan, kini pasarku meluas
Put me in an ad, now my market expands
Taruhku di lagu dan aku pun masih buas (yo)
Put me in a song and I'm still wild (yo)
Dulu naik pentas hanya agar hati puas
Used to go on stage just to satisfy my heart
S'karang naik pentas juga untuk isi kulkas
Now I go on stage also to fill the fridge
Tidur pulas atau bayar listrik (uh)
Sleep soundly or pay the electricity bill (uh)
Mungkin cukup untuk beli condo
Maybe enough to buy a condo
Bagai film horor, hidup penuh misteri
Like a horror movie, life is full of mystery
Walau strategi sudah serapi Marie Kondo
Even though the strategy is as neat as Marie Kondo
Nasib sulit ditebak, ini bukan trivia
Fate is hard to guess, this is not trivia
Apa Ini? Apa Itu? Atau Kuis Piramida
What is This? What is That? Or Pyramid Quiz
Malam ini Firaun, perempuan di samping
Tonight Pharaoh, woman on the side
Besok tak kelihatan batang hidungnya bagai Spinx
Tomorrow her nose is gone like the Spinx
Tak ada siapa yang membimbing
No one is guiding
Bukan mucikari tapi jalan aku pimpin
Not a pimp but I lead the way
Masih tahu dosa, masih takut Yang Satu
Still know sin, still fear the One
Itu yang kuimani, bukan uang dalam kartu (ah)
That's what I believe in, not the money in the card (ah)
Ego punya peran besar
Ego plays a big role
Siapa sampai tujuan? Siapa tersasar?
Who reaches the destination? Who gets lost?
Siapa di puncak melorot ke dasar?
Who at the top slides to the bottom?
Siapa di bawah lampu sorot seperti logo Pixar?
Who is under the spotlight like the Pixar logo?
Kata-kata doa, s'moga ini kejadian
Words of prayer, hopefully this happens
Dari tembok dekil kita coba bangun kastil
From the dirty wall we try to build a castle
Aku hanya punya dua pilihan
I only have two choices
Berhasil atau berhasil
Succeed or succeed
Sudah lama aku tunggu
I've been waiting for so long
Kesempatan emas, aku tak butuh perunggu
A golden opportunity, I don't need bronze

Авторы: Havie Parkasya, Randy Mp

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