Leah - Ek Bely - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Leah - Ek Bely

Ek Bely
Ek Bely
Ek bely
I confess
Toe ek jou sien kon ek die woorde kry
When I saw you, I found the words
Dis wat jy doen
That's what you do
Dis wat jy doen aan my
That's what you do to me
Nes 'n goeie droom wat net nie einde kry
Like a good dream that just doesn't end
Hey hey hey
Hey hey hey
Ek bely
I confess
Die mooiste woorde kan jou nie beskryf
The most beautiful words can't describe you
Ek wil jou ken
I want to know you
Jou wie jy is
Who you are
Jou lyf
Your body
Jy bly maar net die beste deel van my
You just keep being the best part of me
Ek bely met my hele hart
I confess with all my heart
Niemand sal jou ooit weg kan vat
No one will ever take you away
Jys my see en my sand
You're my sea and my sand
My waarom ek kaalvoet stap
My reason for walking barefoot
Ek bely dit maar net aan jou
I confess it only to you
Dit klink dalk klein maar dis groot vir nou
It may sound small, but it's big for now
Jys die onder in my bewustheid
You're the foundation of my conscience
My laat op raak
My daybreak
Ek bely
I confess
Ek bely
I confess
Jou asem is waarvoor ek sal baklei
Your breath is what I will fight for
Ek wil net by jou wees net ek en jy
I just want to be with you, just you and me
Jys die waarheid en die tweede stem in my
You're the truth and the second voice in me
Ek bely met my hele hart
I confess with all my heart
Niemand sal jou ooit weg kan vat
No one will ever take you away
Jys my see en my sand
You're my sea and my sand
My waarom ek kaalvoet stap
My reason for walking barefoot
Ek bely dit maar net aan jou
I confess it only to you
Dit klink dalk klein maar dis groot vir nou
It may sound small, but it's big for now
Jys die onder in my bewustsyn
You're the foundation of my conscience
My laatop raak
My daybreak
Ek bely
I confess
Toe ek jou sien kon ek die woorde kry
When I saw you, I found the words
Dis wat jy doen
That's what you do
Dis wat jy doen aan my
That's what you do to me
Nes 'n goeie droom wat net nie einde kry
Like a good dream that just doesn't end
Hey hey hey
Hey hey hey
Ek bely met my hele hart
I confess with all my heart
Niemand sal jou ooit weg kan vat
No one will ever take you away
Jys my see en my sand
You're my sea and my sand
My waarom ek kaalvoet stap
My reason for walking barefoot
Ek bely dit maar net aan jou
I confess it only to you
Dit klink dalk klein maar dis groot vir nou
It may sound small, but it's big for now
Jys die onder in my bewustsyn
You're the foundation of my conscience
My laat opraak
My daybreak
Ek bely
I confess

Авторы: Christoph Kotze, Johan Vorster

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