Lechero Mon - Raperos de Carton - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lechero Mon - Raperos de Carton

Raperos de Carton
Cardboard Rappers
Siii, nuevamenteee, lechero mon y locomooov
Yeah, again, Lechero Mon and Locomov
Ja, ja, ja, ja, si, si, si,
Ha, ha, ha, ha, yes, yes, yes,
Tanto te creí rapero porque vo rayai,(jai)
I believed you were a rapper because you scribbled (jai)
Gastanto plata en tinta y el plumon lo revalsai (jai)
Spending money on ink and the marker revealed it (jai)
Teni cualquier rayao pero nadie te
You have any scribbling, but no one knows you
Conose como persona pajaron culiao reacciona
As a person, you are a damn bird, react
Demostra tu arte respetando los graffitis
Show your art by respecting the graffiti
Nunca na te longi te mandaste un nuevo pity pasai poniendo talco
You never got longer, you sent a new pity passing, putting talc
Con 10 plumones en la mano no se si
With 10 markers in hand, I don't know if
Soy weon o comiste caca de marciano
I'm stupid or ate Martian poop
El verdadero raper enseña en la muralla
The real rapper teaches on the wall
Que esto es un arte y no hacer miles de rayas
That this is an art and not doing thousands of lines
Tu estas pasao a caca,
You are crazy,
Tu mente folla ataca y yo te ataco
Your mind fucks, attacks, and I attack you
Con mi rima que jiles a los jiles mata
With my rhyme that kills the fools
No sima en la calle si lo paco a vo te pillan
Don't be foolish on the street if the cops catch you
Te pescan a palo y te pasean en zapatilla
They will catch you with a stick and take you for a ride in sneakers
Te botan el facu que esta lleno de tinta
They'll throw away the bag full of ink
Y tu quedas de longi, con tu plumon te la pintan
And you'll be left with your marker, they'll paint you with it
No hayo, la forma de hacete entender
I don't find a way to make you understand
Te veo tu rayado y no me logra sorprender
I see your scribbling and it doesn't surprise me
Y te lo digo en la cara y te apunto con mi deo
And I'll tell you to your face and point at you with my finger
Pollo con escama rayai entero de feo
You are a chicken with scales, ugly all over
Sii, quilicura, uno con 2, cara de tuto producciones
Yeah, Quilicura, one with two, Tuto Productions face
Muchos les dicen pollo yo raperos de carton
Many call them chickens, I call them cardboard rappers
Con su ropa esta manchada con la tinta de un plumon
With their clothes stained with marker ink
Se dedican a a tachar los grafos que estan pulentos
They spend their time tagging cool graffiti
Los pollos son caballos y pescaos al mismo tiempo
The chickens are horses and fish at the same time
Ja, ja lechero mon y locomov con todos los jiles culiaos mulas
Ha, ha, Lechero Mon and Locomov with all the damn fools, mules
Si, 2006 se viene, esto es serio y chistoso
Yeah, 2006 is coming, this is serious and funny

Авторы: Francisco Hernaldo Abalos Morales, Miguel Cantillana Farias

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