Led Zeppelin - Jimmy Page On Playing With John Bohnam - перевод текста песни на французский

Текст и перевод песни Led Zeppelin - Jimmy Page On Playing With John Bohnam

Jimmy Page On Playing With John Bohnam
Jimmy Page On Playing With John Bohnam
Spent my days with a woman unkind
J’ai passé mes journées avec une femme méchante
Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine
J’ai fumé mon herbe et bu tout mon vin
Made up my mind to make a new start
J’ai décidé de prendre un nouveau départ
Going To California with an aching in my heart
Je vais en Californie avec un cœur qui me fait mal
Someone told me there's a girl out there
Quelqu’un m’a dit qu’il y a une fille là-bas
With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair
Avec l’amour dans les yeux et des fleurs dans les cheveux
Took my chances on a big jet plane
J’ai tenté ma chance dans un gros jet
Never let them tell you that they're all the same
Ne laisse jamais personne te dire que toutes les femmes sont pareilles
The sea was red and the sky was grey
La mer était rouge et le ciel gris
Wondered how tomorrow could ever follow today
Je me demandais comment demain pourrait jamais suivre aujourd’hui
The mountains and the canyons started to tremble and shake
Les montagnes et les canyons ont commencé à trembler
As the children of the sun began to awake
Alors que les enfants du soleil commençaient à se réveiller
Seems that the wrath of the Gods
Il semble que la colère des dieux
Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow
A reçu un coup de poing sur le nez et a commencé à couler
I think I might be sinking
Je pense que je suis en train de couler
Throw me a line if I reach it in time
Lance-moi une ligne si je l’atteins à temps
I'll meet you up there where the path
Je te retrouverai là-haut le chemin
Runs straight and high
Est droit et haut
To find a queen without a king
Pour trouver une reine sans roi
They say she plays guitar and cries and sings
On dit qu’elle joue de la guitare, pleure et chante
La la la la
La la la la
Side a white mare in the footsteps of dawn
J’ai chevauché une jument blanche sur les traces de l’aube
Tryin' to find a woman who's never, never, never been born
Essayer de trouver une femme qui n’est jamais, jamais, jamais née
Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams
Debout sur une colline dans ma montagne de rêves
Telling myself it's not as hard, hard, hard as it seems
Me disant à moi-même que ce n’est pas aussi difficile, difficile, difficile que ça en a l’air

Led Zeppelin - 50th Anniversary Interviews (2018)
50th Anniversary Interviews (2018)
дата релиза

1 Robert Plant On "Immigrant Song"
2 Jimmy Page On "The Song Remains The Same"
3 Jimmy Page On "The Rain Song"
4 Jimmy Page On "Stairway To Heaven" Standing Ovation
5 Jimmy Page On "Black Dog"
6 John Paul Jones' Philosophy on Recording Albums
7 Robert Plant On "Good Times Bad Times"
8 Robert Plant On His Growth in Writing Lyrics
9 Robert Plant On Led Zeppelin's Early Days & Influence
10 Jimmy Page On Led Zeppelin vs. The Singles Market
11 Jimmy Page On "Black Dog" Pt. 2
12 Robert Plant On "Immigrant Song" & British History
13 John Paul Jones On Comparing Led Zeppelin to Other Bands
14 Jimmy Page On Working With Ian Stewart on "Rock & Roll"
15 Jimmy Page On Led Zeppelin IV Album Art
16 John Paul Jones On Writing "Black Dog"
17 Jimmy Page On Playing With John Bohnam
18 Robert Plant On Fitting In With The Band
19 Robert Plant On "Communication Breakdown"
20 Jimmy Page On Led Zeppelin III Criticism
21 Jimmy Page On Producing Led Zeppelin II
22 Robert Plant On The Band Members Early On
23 Jimmy Page On "Stairway To Heaven" Lyrics
24 John Paul Jones On Recording Led Zeppelin II On The Road
25 Robert Plant On Writing Lyrics To The Music
26 Jimmy Page On Forming The Band
27 Robert Plant On Foreseeing Led Zeppelin's Future Early On
28 Jimmy Page On Led Zeppelin II
29 Robert Plant On The Influence of Blues Music
30 Jimmy Page On "Stairway To Heaven" Musicality
31 John Paul Jones On Being A Member of Led Zeppelin
32 John Paul Jones On Forming The Band
33 Jimmy Page On "Rock & Roll"
34 Jimmy Page On The Creation of "Rock & Roll"

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