Lee Eun Mee - Time & Life - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lee Eun Mee - Time & Life

Time & Life
Time & Life
사는게 별거 있나
What's the point in living?
살아야 한백년될까
Will I live to be a hundred?
살아봐 그렇게 꿈꾸던 내일이
I lived and saw the tomorrow I'd always dreamed of,
어차피 오늘인데
But that day is today anyway.
사랑도 그런거지
Love is like that too.
사랑에 목숨이 몇개인지
How many lives do you have to give for love?
사랑에 달콤한 그말에 뜨겁던 말들
The sweet words, the passionate words of love,
그날은 어디갔을까
Where did they all go?
오래전 떠나 아름답던 나의 사랑도
My love, who left me long ago,
시간이란 무기앞에 지워졌는데
Has been erased by the weapon of time.
A say 너무 눈이부셔 뜨거웠던 날도
A say, the day that was too bright, too hot
너무 가슴아파 어두웠던 날도
The day that was too painful, too dark
모두 지나가던 추억일뿐야
They are all just memories that pass by
나만 혼자라고 외롭지는 말자
Don't say you're alone and lonely
혼자 기대하고 억울하지말자
Don't expect too much and don't feel wronged
세상 누구나 같은 나를 보고 사니까
Because everyone in the world lives the same way.
오늘은 사랑을하고
Today, you love,
내일은 이별이 올지몰라
Tomorrow, you may say goodbye.
괜찮아 어차피 그렇고 그런얘기
It's okay, because that's how it is,
그런게 인생이니까
That's the way life is.
이제는 떠나 아름답던 나의 사랑도
My love, who has now left me,
시간이란 무기앞에 지워졌는데
Has been erased by the weapon of time.
A say 너무 눈이부셔 뜨거웠던 날도
A say, the day that was too bright, too hot
너무 가슴아파 어두웠던 날도
The day that was too painful, too dark
모두 지나가던 추억일뿐야
They are all just memories that pass by
나만 혼자라고 외롭지는 말자
Don't say you're alone and lonely
혼자 기대하고 억울하지말자
Don't expect too much and don't feel wronged
세상 누구나 같은 나를 보고 사니까
Because everyone in the world lives the same way.

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