Leilía - Noutro Tempo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Leilía - Noutro Tempo

Noutro Tempo
In Other Times
Tireiche cunha pedriña
I'll hit you with a rock
Deiche no rodo da saia
Let it slide down your skirt
Eu ben che dixen meniña
I told you, little girl
Que era do borde da raia
That it was from the edge of the line
Agora ven unha orde
Now there's an order
Que non pode estar mellor
That can't be better
Mete-los homes no forno
Put the men in the oven
E chamar ó capador.
And call the neuterer.
Esta casa que aquí está
This house that's here
Por fóra pinganlle as tellas
The tiles drip outside
E por dentro se pasea
And inside you can see
A flor das mozas solteiras.
The flower of single girls.
Tres cousas pedín a Dios
Three things I asked God
Ningunha me quixo dar
He didn't want to give me any
Fermosura, bo cabelo
Beauty, good hair
Donaire para cantar.
Grace to sing.
Abreme a porta rapaza
Open the door, girl
Se non entro polas tellas
If I don't come in through the tiles
Teño un rapaz empezado
I have a boy started
E fáltanmelle as orellas.
And his ears are missing.
Eres alta como un ovo
You're as tall as an egg
Redonda coma unha noz
Round like a nut
Branca como chiculate
White like chocolate
Buenas noches nos Dios.
Good night, God give us.

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