Leo - Tu Cambiaste Todo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Leo - Tu Cambiaste Todo

Tu Cambiaste Todo
You Changed Everything
Hoy tuve que tocar el suelo y sentir el miedo
Today I had to hit rock bottom and feel the fear
De perderlo todo de quedarme solo,
Of losing everything, of being alone,
Y tuve que mirar al cielo decirte no puedo
And I had to look to the sky and tell You I can't
Sin ti yo me muero de ti yo dependo.
Without you I die, on you I depend.
Pero tu cambiaste todo me sacaste de ese lodo
But you changed everything, you pulled me out of that mud
Y estuvistes aquí cerquita de mi
And you were here, close to me
Pero tu cambiaste todo y lo hicistes a tu modo
But you changed everything, and you did it your way
Y hoy dependo de ti hoy dependo de ti.
And today I depend on you, today I depend on you.
Solo el tiempo pasaba y yo ni cuenta me daba
Only time was passing, and I wasn't even noticing
Pero de su presencia cada día me alejaba
But every day I was getting further away from Your presence
Los que me conocían sabían que algo me pasaba
Those who knew me knew something was wrong with me
Que algo me faltaba, que algo mal andaba
That something was missing, that something was wrong.
El temor yo perdía y sin duda yo seguía
I was losing my fear, and without a doubt, I followed
El diablo y su presencia con mucha psicología
The devil and his presence, with a lot of psychology
Señor muy bien tu sabes que yo no soy perfecto
Lord, You know very well that I am not perfect
Que lo importante es que yo siga en el trayecto
What matters is that I stay on track.
Yo anhelaba todos los días recibir la luz del día
Every day I yearned to receive the light of day
Mi final se acercaba y aquí nada me salía
My end was approaching, and nothing was working out for me here
No ofrendaba ya no diezmaba Ya no quería
I didn't offer, I didn't tithe, I didn't want to anymore
Darme cuenta que algo profundo a mi me decía
Realizing that something profound was telling me something.
Me comenzaron a soltar los dientes por todos lados
My teeth started falling out everywhere
Ya no habían prioridades yo estaba desenfocado
There were no more priorities, I was unfocused
Por la mente me pasaba lo que pude haber logrado
What went through my mind was what I could have achieved
No vivía mi presente por estar en el pasado
I wasn't living in the present because I was stuck in the past.
Mi esposa me hablaba y me comentaba
My wife would talk to me and tell me
Lo mucho que yo cambie pero a mi nada me importaba
How much I had changed, but I didn't care
La veía ella mucho lloraba y se lamentaba
She would see me, cry a lot, and lament
Por haberse casado con la persona equivocada
For having married the wrong person.
Porque un día le prometí que de Dios nunca me alejaba
Because one day I promised her that I would never stray from God
Aunque el diablo me tentara de Dios no me apartaba
Even if the devil tempted me, I would not leave God's side
Pues claro sentí miedo porque era de esperarse
Well, of course I was afraid because it was to be expected
Ya es muy tarde cuando quieren divorciarse
It's too late when they want to get a divorce.
Hoy tuve que tocar el suelo y sentir el miedo
Today I had to hit rock bottom and feel the fear
De perderlo todo de quedarme solo,
Of losing everything, of being alone,
Y tuve que mirar al cielo decirte no puedo
And I had to look to the sky and tell You I can't
Sin ti yo me muero de ti yo dependo.
Without you I die, on you I depend.
Mientras yo sentía que todo se derrumbaba
While I felt everything was falling apart
Porque nada me importaba que aquí todo terminara
Because I didn't care if everything ended here
Algo me recalcaba
Something kept reminding me
No te rindas porque va empezar tu nueva temporada
Don't give up because your new season is about to begin.
En medio de esta tormenta yo me puse de pie
In the midst of this storm, I stood up
Cerré mis ojos y camine por fe
I closed my eyes and walked by faith
Tantas ráfagas de duda y de miedo le decía
So many gusts of doubt and fear, I said
Quien iba pensar que todo esto era cierto
Who would have thought all this was true.
Pero mientras caminaba cada vez un poco mas
But as I walked, a little further each time
Tenía nuevas fuerzas algo que me daba paz
I had new strength, something that gave me peace
Lo que el diablo me robo el me lo devolverá
What the devil stole from me, He will give back to me
No lo que les parece sino siete veces mas
Not what you think, but seven times more.
Al final de esta tormenta mucha gente en un concierto
At the end of this storm, many people at a concert
Veo mi esposa y mi familia sonriendo
I see my wife and my family smiling
Te amamos están diciendo
They're saying, "We love you."
Y que Jesucristo me estará esperando con brazos abiertos
And that Jesus Christ will be waiting for me with open arms.
Hoy tuve que tocar el suelo y sentir el miedo
Today I had to hit rock bottom and feel the fear
De perderlo todo de quedarme solo,
Of losing everything, of being alone,
Y tuve que mirar al cielo decirte no puedo
And I had to look to the sky and tell You I can't
Sin ti yo me muero de ti yo dependo.
Without you I die, on you I depend.
Pero tu cambiaste todo me sacaste de ese lodo
But you changed everything, you pulled me out of that mud
Y estuvistes aquí cerquita de mi
And you were here, close to me
Pero tu cambiaste todo y lo hicistes a tu modo
But you changed everything, and you did it your way
Y hoy dependo de ti hoy dependo de ti.
And today I depend on you, today I depend on you.
Dice la palabra que todas las cosas le ayudan a bien
The word says that all things work together for good
Para aquellos que aman a Dios y es tan milagroso
To those who love God, and it's so miraculous
Ver como la peor crisis de tu vida Dios lo puede
To see how God can take the worst crisis of your life
Convertir en tu mejor temporada en tu mejor momento.
And turn it into your best season, your best moment.
Aun los errores que cometas Dios los puede utilizar a tu favor
Even the mistakes you make, God can use them to your advantage
El evangelio no trata de lo que puedas hacer para Dios
The gospel is not about what you can do for God
Sino lo que Dios está dispuesto a hacer por ti
But what God is willing to do for you
Por tu familia por lo que amas y si aceptas el trato de Dios en tu vida
For your family, for what you love, and if you accept God's deal in your life
De seguro vas a entrar en tu mejor temporada
You will surely enter your best season.

Авторы: Leonides Gonzalez

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