Leo - Još Te Sanjam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Leo - Još Te Sanjam

Još Te Sanjam
I Still Dream of You
Iza svakog ugla grada
Around every corner of the city
Srce mi se tebi nada
My heart hopes for you
Misli kako cu te sresti
Thoughts of when I'll meet you
Iznenada tu na cesti
Unexpectedly out there on the road
U daljini glas kad cujem
In the distance when I hear a voice
Da ti ides povjerujem
That you're coming, I believe
Noću sklopim oči svoje
At night I close my weary eyes
Da u snove udes moje
So that I can meet you in my dreams
Još te sanjam, sanjam cesto
I still dream of you, I dream of the path
Voljeti te nisam presto
I didn't fall in love with you quickly
Još te sanjam, sanjam cesto
I still dream of you, I dream of the path
Da sam čudan kad sam budan
That I'm strange when I'm awake
Zivot mi je uzaludan
My life is in vain
Iza svake nove čaše
Behind each new glass
Vracam se u tamne noci
I return to dark nights
Kao da ti usne ljubim
As if I'm kissing your lips
Na ovom se svijetu gubim
I'm lost in this world
Kad ti neko kaze ime
When someone says your name
Sav zadrhtim, zaboli me
I tremble all over, it hurts me
Svaku ružu koja cvate
Every rose that blooms
Još bi krao samo za te
I would still steal it only for you
Još te sanjam, sanjam cesto
I still dream of you, I dream of the path
Voljeti te nisam presto
I didn't fall in love with you quickly
Još te sanjam, sanjam cesto
I still dream of you, I dream of the path
Da sam čudan kad sam budan
That I'm strange when I'm awake
Zivot mi je uzaludan
My life is in vain
Još te sanjam, sanjam cesto
I still dream of you, I dream of the path
Voljeti te nisam presto
I didn't fall in love with you quickly
Još te sanjam, sanjam cesto
I still dream of you, I dream of the path
Da sam čudan kad sam budan
That I'm strange when I'm awake
Zivot mi je uzaludan
My life is in vain
Da sam čudan kad sam budan
That I'm strange when I'm awake
Zivot mi je uzaludan
My life is in vain

Leo - U Dobrim Rukama
U Dobrim Rukama
дата релиза

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