Leon Somov & Jazzu - Muzika Tu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Leon Somov & Jazzu - Muzika Tu

Muzika Tu
Your Music
Susitikom, netikėtai
We met by chance
Ir supratom, jau regėjom kažkur
And realized we had seen each other somewhere
Vienas kitą, prisiminę
Remembering each other
Patylėjom ir išėjom abu.
We were silent and left together.
Rodės būsim, kiek norėsim
It seemed like we would be together
Lig rytojaus arba amžinai
Until tomorrow or forever
Abejingai nusispjausim,
We would not care about
Į kiekvieną, kuris žiūri keistai.
Anyone who looked at us strangely.
tu su manim darai?
What are you doing to me?
Kam tau ar pats žinai?
Why am I here or do you know?
Skamba oras, skrenda mintys,
The air sounds, thoughts fly,
Myli protas ir dainuoja širdis.
The mind loves and the heart sings.
Visos natos išsibarstė,
All the notes are scattered,
Surinkau jas, ar tu tai girdi?
I collected them, can you hear it?
tu su manim darai?
What are you doing to me?
Kam tau ar pats žinai?
Why am I here or do you know?
(2 kartus)
(2 times)
su manim darai?
What are you doing to me?
Ar tu pats žinai?
Do you know?
Su manim darai
With me you make
Tu su manim darai?
You do what to me?
Ar tu pats žinai?
Do you know?
Su manim darai.
With me you make.
tu su manim darai?
What are you doing to me?
Kam tau ar pats žinai?
Why am I here or do you know?
(2 kartus)
(2 times)


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