Lepa Brena - Zatvori oci - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lepa Brena - Zatvori oci

Zatvori oci
Close Your Eyes
Zivot prolazi ko dan, u danu svasta me spuca
Life passes day by day, each day throws me around
Trazim samo jedno srce u senci jednog srca...
I seek only one heart in the shadow of another heart...
Pa sve me prodje kao pomisao
And everything passes me by like a fleeting thought
Kad neko drugi zagrli te ja sam odustao.
When someone else embraces you, I've given up.
Ja sam ovde stao, ovde dao sve sto sam imao,
I stopped here, gave everything I had,
Cak i ono sto nisam, jer nisam birao.
Even what I didn't have, because I didn't choose.
Snimao svoj zivot razbacan po papirima,
I recorded my life scattered on papers,
Plakao nad ranjenim andjeoskim krilima...
Cried over wounded angel wings...
Zavoleo sam djavola tu ispred zgrade
I fell in love with the devil right here in front of the building
Jer je uvek bio tu kad ja nisko padnem.
Because he was always there when I fell low.
Vise manje svake noci trebam jedan poljubac
More or less every night I need one kiss
Osecaj bez dodira sto mi srce pokida...
A feeling without touch that tears my heart apart...
Na nebu mom zvezda jedna,
There's a star in my sky,
Sto me zove svaki put kad za sebe ne znam...
That calls me every time I don't know myself...
Pa kapiram da je sreca samo bol koji zavolis,
So I understand that happiness is just pain that you fall in love with,
Al' je problem sto me taj bol sve redje zavodi...
But the problem is that this pain seduces me less and less...
Pa se na staro vratim: bit, ja i papir,
So I return to the old ways: the beat, me and paper,
Bulevar, Lenjina i oni kasni sati...
The boulevard, Lenjin Street, and those late hours...
Trazim srce da me shvati dok na traci patim,
I'm looking for a heart that understands me while I suffer on the track,
Jer ne znam sta ti osecas al' znam sta pamtis...
Because I don't know what you feel, but I know what you remember...
Jer posle nje ne zelim niko da me poznaje,
Because after her, I don't want anyone to know me,
Nek' te cuva andjeo, ako te prepoznaje.
May an angel guard you, if he recognizes you.
Moje srce veliko se plasilo veceg
My big heart was afraid of a bigger one
Pati ranjeno, ovako u noci pise pesme...
It suffers wounded, writing songs like this in the night...
Zatvori oci i jos ove noci prodji
Close your eyes and pass through this night once more
Kroz nasa secanja i nasu ljubav,
Through our memories and our love,
Nauci me da volim pusti da te vodim...
Teach me to love, let me lead you...
S tom mukom boli sve teze nego suza...
With this pain, everything hurts more than tears...
Zatvori oci vise ne plasi se,
Close your eyes, don't be afraid anymore,
Znas da ja te cekam na kraju ovog puta...
You know I'm waiting for you at the end of this road...
Zatvori oci jer i ova noc ce proci,
Close your eyes because this night too will pass,
Tu je nasa slika samo uvela ruza...
Our picture is just a withered rose...
Ja sam samo jedno ime,
I am just a name,
Od danas zovi me niko
From today call me nobody
Koje je volelo nekog,
Who loved someone,
Znas koga i koliko...
You know who and how much...
Znas mene? jedna bedna picka sto te voli
Do you know me? A pathetic bitch who loves you
I znas bejbe samo sam drugaciji, ne bolji...
And you know babe, I'm just different, not better...
Zaplacem kad skapiram prosla je godina,
I cry when I realize a year has passed,
Kao da si i ti samo dosla i otisla...
As if you also just came and went...
Moj zivot je bajka, ti moja mala princeza,
My life is a fairy tale, you're my little princess,
Relja propali boem, pa i bolje da ga ne znas...
Relja, a failed bohemian, you're better off not knowing him...
Ne volim te ja, kol'ko svaka moja pesma,
I don't love you as much as every song of mine,
Svaka moja sreca, moja zelja i greska
Every happiness of mine, my wish and mistake
Sto te zamislja kraj sebe u svakom momentu
That imagines you by my side at every moment
I sebicno te cuva ko princezu otetu...
And selfishly guards you like a kidnapped princess...
Onda probudi me kosmar kad shvatim zivim san,
Then a nightmare wakes me up when I realize I'm living a dream,
Shvatim zivim sam, trag srece izbrisan...
I realize I'm living alone, the trace of happiness erased...
Onda vratim se skroz dole gde me tuga gotivi,
Then I go back down to the bottom where sadness likes me,
Gde trotoari me vole jer smo oboje prokleti...
Where the sidewalks love me because we're both cursed...
Kapi crnog vina, na mom srcu mrlja...
Drops of black wine, a stain on my heart...
Opet mali Drima se tim ulicama sunja...
Little Drima is sneaking through those streets again...
Opet ista prica, beton, ja i ljubav,
The same story again, concrete, me and love,
Zato sto sam sam i kada tu je druga...
Because I'm alone even when another is here...
Hoces moje srce? evo, tu ste ti i...? evo
Do you want my heart? Here it is, you and...? Here
Sebi kazem nemoj, ali opet sam se pred'o...
I tell myself don't, but I fell for it again...
I ne znam vise sta si osim deo lose navike,
And I don't know what you are anymore except part of a bad habit,
Jedno secanje ili par slova azbuke...
A memory or a few letters of the alphabet...
Zatvori oci i jos ove noci prodji
Close your eyes and pass through this night once more
Kroz nasa secanja i nasu ljubav,
Through our memories and our love,
Nauci me da volim pusti da te vodim...
Teach me to love, let me lead you...
S tom mukom boli sve teze nego suza...
With this pain, everything hurts more than tears...
Zatvori oci vise ne plasi se,
Close your eyes, don't be afraid anymore,
Znas da ja te cekam na kraju ovog puta...
You know I'm waiting for you at the end of this road...
Zatvori oci jer i ova noc ce proci,
Close your eyes because this night too will pass,
Tu je nasa slika samo uvela ruza...
Our picture is just a withered rose...
Isti smo kad pucamo vole tela da ih puste
We're the same when we break, bodies want to be released
Da bar ona nam se spoje kad to ne mogu usne...
If only they could merge when our lips cannot...
Opet isto sve, Kalis, nasi dani,
Everything's the same again, Kalis, our days,
Nas kafic, mi sami, bas tamo gde smo stali...
Our cafe, us alone, right where we left off...
Gde su kise pljustale, pljustala su osecanja,
Where the rains poured, feelings poured,
Premotaj film u nazad pa mi reci je l' si hladna...
Rewind the film back and tell me if you're cold...
Rekla si ljubav je jedna, gde si sada,
You said love is one, where are you now,
Jebes telo, reci kome tvoje srce pripada.
Fuck the body, tell me who your heart belongs to.
Dva'es' prvog novembra nije bilo coveka
On the 21st of November, there was no one
Koji je tih dana bio srecniji nego Relja,
Who was happier than Relja those days,
Na sve sam bio spreman, osim da te nema,
I was ready for anything, except for you not being there,
Svi planovi, blamovi, jedan covek, jedna zena...
All the plans, the blunders, one man, one woman...
Rekla si samo ja i niko vise,
You said only me and no one else,
Rekla si samo moja, nicija vise...
You said only mine, no one else's...
Jedan dan rusi san i nema niceg,
One day destroys the dream and there is nothing left,
Nema mene i nje, nema istog, nema iste.
No me and her, no same, no equal.
Veruj ne znam sta hocu
Believe me, I don't know what I want
Znam samo sta mi treba,
I only know what I need,
Jedan zagrljaj, pa da bezimo od svega.
One hug, and then let's run away from everything.
Deli noc sa mnom, znas koliko volim ulice,
Share the night with me, you know how much I love the streets,
Svaki stih o tebi na njima nastaje uvece...
Every verse about you is born on them at night...
I sreco samo jedno ti ovecavam:
And my love, I only wish for one thing:
Da nema vise suza zbog tebe kao ni pesama,
That there are no more tears because of you, nor songs,
Previse nas jebe sama rec nekada
The very word sometimes fucks us up too much
Kad sanjali smo zajedno taj zivot nestvran.
When we dreamed of that unreal life together.
Zatvori oci i jos ove noci prodji
Close your eyes and pass through this night once more
Kroz nasa secanja i nasu ljubav,
Through our memories and our love,
Nauci me da volim pusti da te vodim...
Teach me to love, let me lead you...
S tom mukom boli sve teze nego suza...
With this pain, everything hurts more than tears...
Zatvori oci vise ne plasi se,
Close your eyes, don't be afraid anymore,
Znas da ja te cekam na kraju ovog puta...
You know I'm waiting for you at the end of this road...
Zatvori oci jer i ova noc ce proci,
Close your eyes because this night too will pass,
Tu je nasa slika samo uvela ruza...
Our picture is just a withered rose...

Авторы: Aleksandar Radulovic, Marina Tucakovic

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