Les Freres Jacques - Le cordonnier pamphile - Remastered - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Les Freres Jacques - Le cordonnier pamphile - Remastered

Le cordonnier pamphile - Remastered
The Cobbler Pamphyle - Remastered
Le cordonnier Pamphyle
The Cobbler Pamphyle
A élu domicile
Has elected domicile
Près d'un couvent de filles
Near a convent of girls
Et bien il s'en trouva
And he was very comfortable
Ahah! Ahah!
Ahah! Ahah!
Et bien il s'en trouva (bis)
And he was very comfortable (repeat)
Car la gent monastique
For the monastic people
Jetait dans sa boutique
Were throwing in his shop
Des trognons et des chiques
Stubs and droppings
Restes de ses repas...
Leftovers from their meals...
Un jour la soeur Charlotte
One day sister Charlotte
S'asticotait la motte
Was picking her nose
Avec une carotte
With a carrot
Grosse comme le bras...
As big as her arm...
Mais quel qu'effort qu'ell'fasse
But no matter how hard she tried
En vain elle se masse
In vain she rubbed herself
Ell's'astiqu'la culasse
She rubbed her behind
Le foutre ne vient pas...
The jizz did not come out...
Mais comm'tout a son terme,
But as everything has its end
Enfin jaillit le sperme,
Finally the sperm spurted out
Le con s'ouvre et se ferme
The cunt opened and closed
Et elle déchargea...
And she came...
Alors toute contente
Then all happy
Ell'retir'de sa fente
She withdrew from her slit
La carotte écumante
The foaming carrot
Et puis ell'la jeta...
And then she threw it away...
Par un hasard comique
By a comical coincidence
La carotte impudique
The shameless carrot
Tomba dans la boutique
Fell into the shop
Du cordonnier d'en bas...
Of the downstairs cobbler...
Cré nom de dieu! Quelle chance,
God's name! What luck
Elle est à la sauce blanche,
It's in white sauce
Bourrons-nous en la panse.
Let's stuff ourselves with it
Et il la boulotta...
And he ate it...
Cré nom de dieu Fifine,
Holy God, Fifine,
Cett'carott'sent l'urine,
This carrot smells like urine
Elle a servi de pine
It has been used as a penis
Et il la dégueula...
And he threw it up...

Авторы: D.r.

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