Letrux - Ressaca.2 - Tudo que já nadei - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Letrux - Ressaca.2 - Tudo que já nadei

Ressaca.2 - Tudo que já nadei
Hangover.2 - All I've Ever Swum
Vida interrompida
Life interrupted
De maneira brutal e imbecil
In a brutal and imbecile way
O que foi mesmo que ela disse naquele dia
What was it she said that day
Antes de eu ter dado um tapa na cara dela?
Before I slapped her face?
Não lembro
I don't remember
Mas revidou, claro
But she fought back, of course
O dia em que ela ganhou a prancha de surfe
The day she got the surfboard
Foi tão hipnótico, foi um marco
It was so hypnotic, it was a milestone
Marina ganhou uma prancha
Marina got a surfboard
São flashes
They are flashes
Teve a tarde em que ela bradou pra família
There was the afternoon she shouted to the family
Que iria, sim, pilotar o barco
That she would, yes, pilot the boat
deixavam os primos homens
They only let the male cousins
Ela não queria saber
She didn't want to know
E eu e Clarisse, sua irmã mais nova
And me and Clarisse, her younger sister
Íamos de vassalas da rainha Marina
We would go as vassals of Queen Marina
E a gente ria tanto, porque tudo era tão sério
And we laughed so much, because everything was so serious
Que a gente conseguia rir
That we could only laugh
era feminismo das jovens da década de 1990
It was already feminism of the young women of the 1990s
Mas não sabíamos nomes
But we didn't know names
E estávamos cortando mato alto do terreno baldio
And we were cutting tall grass from the vacant lot
Da tradicional família tijucana
Of the traditional Tijucan family
Mas era tudo hilário
But it was all hilarious
E fazíamos xixi com a bunda pra fora do barco
And we peed with our asses out of the boat
Morrendo de rir
Dying of laughter
E ela, capitã, linda, estranha, linda
And she, captain, beautiful, strange, beautiful
Segura do que fazia
Sure of what she was doing
Me viu fazendo teatro
She saw me doing theater
Teatrinho, do colégio
Little theater, from school
Afirmou, como prima mais velha
She stated, as an older cousin
Que aquilo seria a minha vida
That this would be my life
Repetiu de ano, mas era a mais inteligente
She repeated a year, but she was the smartest
Gargalhávamos com os mesmos dentes
We laughed with the same teeth
Meu dentista era o dela
My dentist was hers
A gente respondia quando comentavam
We answered when they commented
Que éramos parecidas
That we looked alike
A Guerra no Golfo
The Gulf War
Janeiro de 1991
January 1991
Marina vai para as ruas de paralelepípedos
Marina goes to the cobblestone streets
De São Pedro da Aldeia
Of São Pedro da Aldeia
E começa a pular com fúria e bradar
And starts jumping with fury and shouting
Guerra! Guerra!
War! War!
Quebrou o
She broke her foot
Queria viver alguma mudança na vida
She wanted to live some change in life
No século
In the century
Uma transformação
A transformation
Louca, bruxa e nem sabia
Crazy, already a witch and didn't even know it
Me encantava a paixão pela independência
I was enchanted by the passion for independence
Pela busca das experiências
By the search for experiences
Pelo ineditismo
For the unprecedented
Pela coragem
For the courage
A última vez que nos vimos
The last time we saw each other
Estávamos no quarto de outra prima
We were in another cousin's room
Eu, ela e um menino de um ano
Me, her and a one-year-old boy
Brincávamos com ele, fazíamos cosquinha
We played with him, we tickled him
Observávamos o princípio da vida
We observed the beginning of life
Perguntei seus planos para o aniversário
I asked her plans for her birthday
Uns dias depois
A few days later
Me contou o que estava pensando
She told me what she was thinking
Triste pensar que esqueci
Sad to think that I have already forgotten
Quais eram as ideias para aquela volta ao sol
What were the ideas for that return to the sun
Ela era bonita
She was beautiful
Nariz pra baixo, na época não gostávamos
Nose down, at the time we didn't like it
Hoje em dia, acho que as mulheres mais lindas
Nowadays, I think the most beautiful women
São as mais narigudas
Are the most nosey
Não estou me defendendo
I'm not defending myself
E, sim, a minha prima
And, yes, my cousin
Morreu completando outra idade
Died turning another age
Envelheci um século
I aged a century
Escrevi uma carta e acharam bom enterrá-la
I wrote a letter and they thought it was good to bury it
Com o meu envelope ali dentro
With my envelope inside
Não consigo falar muito sobre essa carta
I can't talk much about this letter
Isso define minha vida de maneira esquisita
It defines my life in a weird way
Não sei quantos pesadelos
I don't know how many nightmares
Mas lembro do sonho derradeiro
But I remember the final dream
Uma década depois
A decade later
Me avisando numa outra dimensão
Letting me know in another dimension
Que agora estava livre
That she was now free
Houve revolta assim que morreu
There was revolt as soon as she died
As psicografias nos avisaram
The psychographies warned us
Nem precisavam
They didn't even need to
Era ela, a revolta em pessoa
It was her, revolt in person

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