Ley 20mil feat. Bascur - Antisocial (feat. Bascur) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ley 20mil feat. Bascur - Antisocial (feat. Bascur)

Antisocial (feat. Bascur)
Antisocial (feat. Bascur)
No me sorprendes puta, tranquilo,
You don't surprise me, bitch, relax,
No te hablo de tu lucro, me refiero a que tu letra hermano, siempre ha sido truco, truquero, te queda grande la chapa e′ rapero,
I'm not talking about your money, I'm saying your lyrics, bro, have always been a trick, trickster, the rapper title is too big for you,
Tas de moda chupabola pero no eres verdadero.
You're a trendy dickrider but you're not real.
Aparecio del monton, contigo no voy a grabar
You appeared from the crowd, I won't record with you,
A cambio de eso yo te entrego un Klenzo y te mando a lavar.
Instead, I'll give you a Kleenex and tell you to wash up.
Bye, bye, tay claro no viví lo que cantai,
Bye, bye, you're clearly clueless about what you sing,
Ten claro la calle despue' a lo′ paco' me acusai.
Be clear, the streets will expose you like a snitch.
La verdad es que a vo' te faltan bolas perejil,
The truth is you lack balls, parsley,
Para competir con Bas, también con la 20Mil,
To compete with Bas, also with 20Mil,
Lo chupaste a cuatro manos y no por eso vo′ soy Goro,
You sucked it with both hands but that doesn't make you Goro,
Te escribo, te rimo, te hago un coro, y sale de choro!.
I write for you, I rhyme for you, I make you a chorus, and it comes out clean!.
B A S, antisocial no me interesa,
B A S, antisocial, I'm not interested,
Llego a tocatas solo y me rapto a tu princesa.
I come to gigs alone and kidnap your princess.
(Okey!) Te compadezco te encanta copiar,
(Okay!) I pity you, you love to copy,
No se persiga vieja, aqui te sobra pa′ pikar.
Don't chase after it, old man, there's plenty here to pick at.
Si no te gusta la macoña y el roooon...
If you don't like weed and ruuum...
Si en esta escena quieres ser el campeoon...
If you want to be the champiooon in this scene...
(Yoh!) Somo' antisociales,
(Yo!) We're antisocial,
Aqui todas las bombas son intencionales,
Here all the bombs are intentional,
Desde chico en esta escuela, aunque siempre condicionales (jah!).
Since childhood in this school, although always conditional (jah!).
Esto es bruto deporte como el todo vale, son dias pa esta droga como las fosas nasales.
This is a brutal sport like anything goes, these are days for this drug like the nostrils.
Vo′ qeri criticarme, analizar mi esquema?
You wanna criticize me, analyze my scheme?
Vay a encontrar verdad y credibilidad en mis quema'.
Go find truth and credibility in my burns.
Tu antifama, tu antidroga, tu antifan queda confusa,
Your anti-fame, your anti-drug, your anti-fan is confused,
Si cai con la primera crew!, que se te cruza.
If I fall with the first crew!, that crosses you.
Que tanta wea con mis botella′ y con mis cuete',
What's the deal with my bottles and my guns,
Somo′ alcohólico' y drogo' pero al menos consecuente.
We're alcoholics and druggies but at least we're consistent.
Muchos venden la pesca de la humildad en el escenario,
Many sell the fish of humility on stage,
Pero cuando bajan de este son todo lo contrario (canario!),
But when they get off it they are the opposite (canary!),
Con vocabulario te hago mierda, recuerda,
With vocabulary I'll tear you apart, remember,
Hable de calle cuando la comprenda.
Talk about the streets when you understand them.
Uste′ se vende como puta arria′ e' un Meche,
You sell yourself like a cheap whore from a Meche,
Si no te gusta la macoña y el roooon...
If you don't like weed and ruuum...
Si en esta cena quieres ser el campeoon... Nadie me dice lo que tengo que hacer,
If you want to be the champiooon at this dinner... Nobody tells me what to do,
Tamos cagao′s de sed y escribimos por placer.
We're thirsty as fuck and we write for pleasure.
Con la actitud mas cuma, saltamos la muralla,
With the most hood attitude, we jump the wall,
Como tapa al montezuma, mientras vo' culia dormí en tu cuna.
Like a lid on Montezuma, while you were sleeping in your cradle, you pussy.
De que sabor prefiere, chirimoco o chocotula?,
What flavor do you prefer, chirimoya or chocotula?,
Mejor llevatelos todos porque vo′ sufrí de gula, diambula,
Better take them all because you suffered from gluttony, wander,
Rapeamo' con polera porque no están las calugas,
We rap with shirts on because we don't have the muscles,
__ en fuga, no me ponga en duda.
__ on the run, don't doubt me.
Soy de los Rastafari, te meamo′ la cocina,
I'm from the Rastafari, I piss on your kitchen,
Tu prima se inclina, la dejamo' quea con vaselina,
Your cousin bends over, we leave her dripping with Vaseline,
Nos vamo' pa Tohato, me echan siempre y ando pato,
We're going to Tohato, they always kick me out and I walk like a duck,
No comparto tay a puros flatos, en un beat te reparto.
I don't share, you're just farts, I'll tear you apart on a beat.
Nómade escritor (con 20Mil as en la mangaa...)
Nomad writer (with 20Mil aces up my sleeve...)
Por la que escupe changalanga, si rapeai en tanga,
For the one who spits gibberish, if you rap in a thong,
Con mis pendejos teje una bufanda, anda ponme una demanda,
With my homies, knit a scarf, go sue me,
Que tu perra fluye como a cuatro bandas.
Your bitch flows like four lanes.
Si no te gusta la macoña y el roooon...
If you don't like weed and ruuum...
Si en esta escena quieres ser el campeoon...
If you want to be the champiooon in this scene...
Si no te gusta la macoña y el roooon...
If you don't like weed and ruuum...
Si en esta escena quieres ser el campeoon...
If you want to be the champiooon in this scene...

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